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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
10/19/2006 6:51:33 AM
Well said on your part and well noted on my part (and everyone else's, I hope.)

Bonjournée to everyone,

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Venerina Conti

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
10/19/2006 6:54:21 AM

Hello Judy,

How are you?

Thank you very much for your kind support.  Luckily, like our Goodwill Ambassador, John, stated .... we have so many wonderful people, like yourself, making this community a great place ...

I can understand that people have their own, private, issues.  I can undertsand that everyone has their own frustrations, anger, disappointments and so forth and so on .... but there are appropriate ways, places and times for these to be aired ...

Everything in life occupies its own space and time ... some people just need to organize within those boundaries ... The internet may be a virtual world but behind every name and face, there is another human being ... with a history, an emotional make-up and feelings ...

I would hope that if people cannot be respectful for the sake of respecting another human being, then they would take heed from a business point of view and the disastrous knock on effects it could have for them.

Ok, hehehehehe ... sorry to have rambled on ...

Take care and God Bless

Thank you


Pauline Raina

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
10/19/2006 6:54:24 AM
This is wonderfully put Venerina, I pray that all our members will adhere to the points you've made, well done Im sure keeping to the rules such as these will only make this community the best place to be !!! Bleaaings Pauline R
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
10/19/2006 6:59:59 AM

Hi Venerina,

Well said and if anyone is offended they can't really defend the undefendable.

I have a forum under construction at present which when I have thought through a few small matters may help some of the groups within the community.

We are, as you say, a community of people with differing values and aims but together we are a powerful force, hopefully for the good.

Lets all look forward to a great future for Adland and make sure that when, and I mean when, challenges arise that we deal with them in a mature way.

We all have to contend on a daily basis with spam, the last thing we want is spam on our forums SO lets agree that we dont advertise here unless it is appropriate.



Angela Cardwell

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
10/19/2006 7:00:38 AM

Good morning Venerina,

Very, very well written.
I say Amen to all of it!

Keep up the good work you do here at ALP,
Your friend,

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