Hello Venerina,
Thank you for the invitation to a nice article and the positive redirection to another article.
It seems that bells are ringing again. Maybe for me this time, as I am one of the trouble makers in near past and maybe the only power member that did not send my view on how to solve the problems I and others caused to the Admin and the whole business in this WebSite. I hope this will be my last time writing in a forum about behaviour and adults. It has been many years since I have studied Human Behaviour so I may have forgotten all the advice I got from there.
Anyhow, public forums are for writing one's opinion and one's critisizing other opionions, if you one does not agree or for giving more information so others can have a complete view of a problem.
I realized that there is no reason to critisize anybody because there is a risk of to get your record analysized and you can if your are not strong enough be scared to get involved. If you can not give the ful problem there is a risk getting a warning with further regulations.
Lately I haven't been very active and I am sure this calmed down many "friends" of mine. I will take off for a period in hope to see things go better. My topics are opinion related and many times agaist the "served" reallity we know of as they can offend peoples beliefs and their view of life.