Hi Philena,
That is a good question! That particular article does not give any clear answer, and the digging that I've done recently gives no clear indication that Greenzap is at fault.
According to the article from WorldWideScam, either or both companies named COULD be at fault, but so far, that information has not become available.
One thing that IS for sure at this time: GreenZap is keeping a pretty low profile, which is not what you would expect from a company that is planning to go anywhere.
Also, as mentioned in previous postings, Mr. Westmoreland has been implicated in several failed and questionable business startups in the past, but has never been convicted or even charged in anything except for the incident in Alaska (he had to pay a fine) where a distributor of a company he owned committed some kind of fraud. (I don't remember the details at this time.)
My advice at this time is to hold off on promoting this one or on putting any money into it until more information comes through that either clears GreenZap or puts the lid on it permanently.
God bless,