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9/25/2006 11:28:33 PM

Hello Dave

    You know, I have to agree with you on a point or two. You are right, It doesn't have to be as bad as it is here at Adland. Also, some of the things discussed here have been of a persoal nature and probably should have been kept in the laundry room. LOL. However, I am glad that all of this happened because I now know things that I didn't know before and that may very well help me in future decision making. So, how bout this. Get rid of those who have been proven scoundrals. Get rid of those who have falsely accused or accused without proof, others. What we would have left are those who are respectful of others. Honest with each other and willing to look out for their friends. I guess we could call it a cleansing process. The survival of the fitist. There is no question about the fact that we have all had a gutful of scams and liars. Lets just get rid of them.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Flag of Dave Carter

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9/26/2006 7:50:20 AM

Well said and agreed Bill.

Question is - how do you flush the feces?


Dave Carter Author of The Freedom Formula & numerous ebooks $7 Miracle Matrix List building is the key This one is free
9/26/2006 8:53:43 AM

Hello Dave

     This is why I like these open , unrestricted forums. Often times they are self flushing. If it can be proved that someone has wronged another member they should be banned. If someone accuses another of wrongdoing without proof, the accuser should be banned. In the past there have been many instances of total disrespect being shown to members of different forums and nothing was ever done. Now we are seeing the result of our lack of willingness to deal with problems. These same people are still at it months and even years later. Perhaps if someone has a certain number of blocks by other members they could be banned. It would have to be a nunber high enough though to prevent just a small clique from getting rid of someone they don't like or who is in competition with them in a business. Maybe 25 blocks would be a fair number. Banning the abusers could go a long way towards solving some of our problems here in Adland. I know that we have lost some members because of people who should have been banned. These people were abused and disrespected and it was obvious to everyone who witnessed. The wrong people ended up leaving the community. We will lose more members by allowing these jerks to remain in the community than we would lose by banning the jerks. I just don't buy the theory that new members will leave if they see signs of hostility and anamosity in the forums. Hostility is not often directed towards those who are innocent. Most likely, if you have members of this community getting on your tail, you have done something to deserve it. New members comming here should see this as a sign that this is a community that solves it's problems and gets rid of the abusive, disrespectful jerks that ruin things for everybody. Also, this would discourage scammers from even joining in the first place. Evil people lurk in the shadows of our minds. They do not like the light of exposure.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Flag of Tom Sparrow

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9/26/2006 9:14:25 AM
Simplicity is this: Whoever runs a forum has the option to delete posts! If there are derogatory remarks made, the forum owner can simply delete the posts and this way protect those who don't deserve the bashing! Unfortunately, many are not deleted and the damage is done! Some forums are even moderated where before a post can be presented, the forum owner can simply not allow it! Is is truly a shame that the forum owners simply leave these posts in to damage people's reptuation, but it is their choice...My Best! Tom
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
9/26/2006 9:41:42 AM

Hello Marilyn

     I can understand your wanting to have peace and harmony in this community and I too would like the same. Surly though, you don't expect AdlandPro to be without problems at all. Sometimes the picture of this perfect little community that you paint for us seems a little unrealistic. It is like Utopia in cyber world. Perhaps some of us have expectations here that are truly out of reach. Just because this is occuring in cyberspace doesn't mean that things aren't real. We have to expect problems, just like in the real world. Marilyn, please don't take offense to what I am saying here.I truly do understand your feelings here but, in all honesty, I think we have to be a little more realistic with regard to our expectations for AdlandPro. Here is a statement from one of your posts here in this forum.


Now I am not saying that Adland isn't a great place. It most certainly is but, to call us the greatest community  on the internet might be a little bit assuming. There are communities out there with millions of members. AdlandPro is in it's infancy compared to some other communities and those other communities didn't get where they are by ignoring their problems or by just wishing them away. We have to face the fact that if we are going to continue to grow together we must all work together and solve our problems. Any decision that we make today can only be based on past experiences and the knowledge that we have gained as a result of those experiences. If we were to just "  forget about all of the incidents of the past week " what will we have learned. What experience would we be carrying into future decision making. How will we deal with problems as a million plus member community if we do not solve our problems as we grow.

     Friends, I am not trying to dictate how I think things should be done and I don't mean to criticize anyone for their ideas about how to make AdlandPro better. I am merely trying to help solve problems here because I too love this community. I am simply trying to open a dialogue that takes us in a different direction. A direction that might help solve our problems. A direction that won't require Bogdan to become a Forum Patrol Officer. Bogdan, I know that you would like to see all of our problems solved too  but, I also believe that you have things to do besides monitoring our forums. I for one do not expect you to have to jump in and solve every skirmish that comes along. Your job is to develope AdlandPro to it's fullest potential. I believe that it is our job to preserve a

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".

nd protect what you have already accomplished.


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy

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