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9/24/2006 10:25:02 PM

Hello Marilyn

   I have once again decided to post yet another viewpoint that is in total disagreement with the " sweep it under the rug syndrome." As you well know, we have had problems many times in the past with respect to disrespecting other members. Gossiping and in some cases downright lying. It has alway been your contention to just stop it all and go merrily on our way. Well, in the past, this community has done just that and the same ugly snake reared it's head again and bit us all again. Because the problems were not allowed to be completely aired out, they remained problems. The very same people who were disrespectful in the past are still doing thge same thing now. I see it every day and I see it in many forums. Sending PM"s back and forth behind the backs of others will never solve anything. We have to have these discussions in order to solve problems. Of cours people are gouing to get upset and of course things will get a little heated but, at least when it is all said and done we will have actually solved a proble

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
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The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".

m. These discussions reveal many things about many people and programs that we would never find out about any other way. If I were a new member just comming here and seeing this going on I would think, wow, here is a community where people really do look out for each other. Scammers and liars don't have a chance here. This is a great message to send to those who would join this community with less than hinest intentions. If I were a crook and I saw how this community chewed up crooks, I would pack up and haul ass, Wouldn't you? Pleas don't try to get everybody to just stop it. Consider it growing pains. It is a vital part of problem solving. Talking things out works. Burying them will only postpone the inevitable.


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Flag of Larry Blethen

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9/24/2006 11:32:05 PM
hello Marilyn...I agree completely....Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Flag of Rick Martin

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9/25/2006 1:42:51 AM

Dear Marilyn,

Finally a breath of sanity and fresh air enters the topic of the past few days. I have followed this debate and must agree with your view completely Marilyn. I contacted Mr. Bogdan Fiedur personally in regards to this situation and offered my support and information in this matter. I do not have all of the answers but I was assured that he would resolve all of the issues that have led up to this fiasco. I have confidence in him and am sure that he will take appropriate actions to protect us from the under tow of a small number of people that are creating the problems.

I sat back and watched this unfold and was appalled to find people making unmerited charges against our friend John Sanchez, Mr. Bogdan Fiedur, CEO, Marilyn Ali as well as myself. It has become a real problem in our day as the accused in this case lashed out over several forums and in numerous forums to discredit the messenger. What the heck if one yells loud enough and long enough it must be true? His message involved his loss of an election that took place nine months ago. He lost in an open election. So I became the problem in his eye. I think not. I do know that Marilyn, John, Bogdan and I are not the problem here.

So I ask that all Adlanders head your good advice Marilyn and withhold their posts and wait for Bogdan to sort out this mess to our mutual satisfaction. I remain loyal to him and you and will support the community in any way that I can.


Rick Martin

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Flag of Dave Fergusson

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9/25/2006 8:17:19 AM

Hi Marilyn,

I must say I am happy to tell you that I missed all these comments!   I wish Bogdan & yourself well & would really like to know who could really fill your shoes?

 There is a saying " you cant please all the people all the time , but you can please some of the people some of the time"

                   Regards Downunderdave

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Flag of Dave Carter

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9/25/2006 8:45:41 AM

Marilyn, I agree 100% - We should keep it 100% positive.  If we have something disagreeable to put forth let's keep it to ourselves - or at least keep it private.

No one wants to belong to a community that looks and acts like the Hatfields and the McCoys!


Dave Carter Author of The Freedom Formula & numerous ebooks $7 Miracle Matrix List building is the key This one is free

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