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9/25/2006 10:23:41 AM

Hello Dave

 I have a few questions for you. If we were to keep everything to ourselves that isn't positive, what happens to the negative aspec

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".

ts of this commuity.  I believe that they would forever remain negative due to the fact that no one ever discussed them and therefore a problem lives on. How in the world can people expect AdlandPro to be perfect. This is an unrealistic expectation. Even in cyberland, nothing is perfect. We will have problems, negative aspects and conflicting ideas. How in the world could we ever even hope to become better if we refuse to admit to and deal with our shortcommings. Even in the most loving relationships, such as marriage, there are conflicts and arguments. That is when there are only two people involved. How could anyone ever expect over 30,000 people to get along without ever having a problem or a conflict. We have to address our problems face to face if we are ever to become better. I just don't get this " ignore it and it will go away attitude"


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
9/25/2006 10:27:13 AM

Hi Everybody

   I apologize for my signature ending up in the middle of my post. I have no idea how this happened but I can't edit it. Does anyonbe know what causes these types of things to happen?

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
9/25/2006 10:46:19 AM

Hello Rick

   First of all I would like to say this. I would sure hate to have Bogdan's job if he is expected to jump in and solve every little spat and disagreement that comes along here in AdlAND. wE WILL HAVE PROBLEMS ARISE FROM TIME TO TIME regardless of how hard we try to avoid it. In order for Bogdan to solve this issue, he will have to spend a considerable amount of time. Even more than he has already spent. Then, even if he is able to come up with a viable solution, it will not please everyone. This will also set a president as well. If Bogdan steps in to solve this, it will appear to some that he just did it to save certain people's reputations. Also, if he has to fix this, what about other problems that arise in the future. Will he have to solve all of the problems or will he be just expected to solve certain problems. I say we air out our own differences and let the chips fall where they may. One other thing. Every accusation that has been made during this ordeal has not been completely unfounded. I have seen some pretty strong evidence that some of the accused are less than perfectly innocent. I also have past personal experience with a few of the accused so I feel that it is time that a problem is solved rather than swept away and I don't think we should be putting all of this on Bogdan.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
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9/25/2006 1:55:51 PM

Hey Bill, glad to respond.  First of all please understand my viewpoint comes from 64 years on this beloved planet and much of that was spent in corporate America.  So, believe me when I say I have been witness to and the subject of many personal attacks. 

I guess I was naive to think I would entirely escape that kind of petty juvenile behavior on the net.  But I really don't think it has to be as bad here.

No - absolutely nothing wrong with constructive criticism if it is indeed good for the progress of the whold group.

But that's not what I have witnessed here recently.  No - not by a long shot.

Let's keep the dirty laundry - in the laundry - and not hang it out to dry in front of our whole community.


Dave Carter Author of The Freedom Formula & numerous ebooks $7 Miracle Matrix List building is the key This one is free
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9/25/2006 4:55:24 PM

Hi Marilyn,

  I am behind you all the way.  There are many of our newer members who joined our community that did so to get away with exactly what is happening.  He said, she said, they said belongs in a children's playground, not in an Adult Community.  Once this all blows over  (if it ever does), I will be back to posting.  Perhaps if there is any voting from here on in, we should just let the people of Florida tally the votes.  Woops, that's how we got our President.  I'm sorry.  I know, now I'm going to get some tongue lashing.  Somebody's been saying bad things about you?  Where are they?  I'll get em for you, well, maybe, if I'm prepared. Walking Garbage CanOkay, bring em on.  I'm ready!!

God Bless Everyone


Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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