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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 2:30:23 PM
Hello David,

Horse Pucky.  A truly wonderful expression.

It is clear that when you are trying to figure out a supposed "guaranteed" offer to join whatever it is to make money - fast or slow - it all goes back to the question about the source business - Well what do they do?

And unless the answer is that they make a product or perform a service - either of which can be sold off line (with the exception of ebooks, or emusic or other eproducts)  then the answer is probably nothing - they sell air.
And as we all know, if too many people breathe air in a confined space - it runs out!

And, even when there is a product or service involved - if too many people are trying to make money selling one object - there wont be enough to go round - it only has one selling price.  MLM's that are product based only generate money if lots of product is actually sold, however big your downline is!.

Thanks for yet another thought provoking forum David.

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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 7:36:08 PM
Hi Louis, LOL!! Yes, I played many a happy hour of farm hockey on a scraped off pond with a bent stick and a "horse pucky!" Can't say I ever brought one in the house, though... God bless, Dave
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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 7:39:55 PM
Hi Jenny, You have perfectly and succinctly simplified the whole matter into one very clear paragraph: It is clear that when you are trying to figure out a supposed "guaranteed" offer to join whatever it is to make money - fast or slow - it all goes back to the question about the source business - Well what do they do? At the risk of getting my rather scrawny neck wrung by fellow community members, I would suggest that this is the perfect question to pose to those who are promoting this $7 Ponzi thing. God bless, Dave
Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 9:01:13 PM
This is exactly what I thought when I saw all these people scrembling around touting the power matrix thing. That was one of the first things I saw when I came online over 15 years ago. These things are not new at all. Anything you see that's supposedly "new" online is simply a script and these scripts are sold by the dozens. They just go by different names. Look at all the different autosurfs there were and where are they now?

When you depend on payment processors and admins who probably don't know beans about running a business to pay you every time you're due a payment, and the program has nothing but money to offer you, you're setting yourself up for a high risk way of "earning" money.

What are you doing to earn it? Sitting on your backside and waiting for "spillover"?

Here's the honest truth in a nutshell.

To make money, you have to have a product.
There has to be selling, and you have to work.


oK..MAYBE you aren't the one doing the selling
and you might not be the one who owns the
product, but there has to be a product and
someone has to sell it. You might just invite them
to visit a site or invite them to listen to a call,
but your upline or someone has to sell.

And if the only product is money, it's ILLEGAL.

If you get something for free just to visit the page,
that's ok, but it's still a gimmick and a gimmick is
just what it's a gimmick to get you to BUY
SOMETHING. But still back to what I said before..
if there's something you have to buy, someone is
selling it and you're the suckier.

I'm not saying that every product out there is a gimmick
or that anyone who buys it is a sucker, I'm just saying
that if you fall for the gimmicks and buy stuff just because
someone pulled your leg and enticed you and said that you
would make a million bucks in a week then YOU'RE  A SUCKER.

Get with a REAL COMPANY that has spent MILLIONS to bring
you a product that's WORTH the money. Get ON THE PHONE.
Tell people about it and do what you're being paid to do...

That's how you make money in the REAL WORLD.

DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 10:57:11 PM
Hi Becky, Amen and amen! I couldn't have said it better. God bless, Dave

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