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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/23/2006 9:26:33 PM
Hello Dave,

I must admit I was intrigued by the Topic you chose.  I thought you were
going to be talking about Horse Polo and it had a different name here - like
many sports I know of that are the same rules here in the States yet have
a different name.

Anyway enough of this Palava....Thanks for sharing your lists of "Horse Pucky"
I agree, if you are not in business that offers a service or product then what
the heck are you doing?  AND how are you going get paid?

Kind regards
Amanda Martin-Shaver
Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/23/2006 9:38:48 PM
This is my main goal with the Newbie Forum.
I'm sick and tired of seeing people coming online
for the first time and being scammed right off the
bat because they believed all the smoke and mirrors
and junk that's being thrown their way.

One of the things they teach in most marketing programs
is to target the thousands of NEWBIES who come online
every day. Now that's really dumb if you ask me.
Newbies need to be trained first. They don't need to be
recruited into programs they don't have the skills or the
knowledge to work with. And anyone who recruits a newbie
has to be prepared to take them by the hand and teach
them every single step from using emails, to setting up
autoresponders, to everything else that takes sometimes
years to learn.

If you're a newbie, for pete's sake don't sign up for anything
until you've at least learned how to send an email properly.
And if you're really wanting to be successful and not just
playing games, you're better off to spend your time studying
before you get into any programs and learn how to use the
tools of the trade before you try to join programs with no

You wouldn't want to try to fly an airplane with no training
so don't try to run a business until you're prepared to handle
all the dirty work that goes along with it.


DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Flag of Pauline Raina

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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/23/2006 9:46:02 PM
Thanks for the invite Dave, and thanks for enlightening us on a very important side of internet marketing, im sure many such as I needed to know that. have a great weekend n stay blessed. Pauline R
Flag of Jill Bachman

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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/23/2006 10:10:54 PM
Hi Dave,

Yes, I understand "Horse Puckey!"  Guess that tells you alot about me too  :-)

Anyway, your points really drove the message home, and I commend you for bringing this information to everyone's attention!  But, I have to tell you.....I did not know whether to laugh or cry as I was reading!  You have a gift for writing my friend!  We need you to write a book!

Keep up the great work, and thank you!

Bless you,  Jill
Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/23/2006 10:56:49 PM


You have just expressed my sedments, and done a great job doing it!

Lets ad a couple more to this!

How about the forced matrix, have you ever calculated just how many people would have to join an organization in order to fill a 4X7 matrix. to the 7th level?

Or how about the matching bonus angle, where does the money when qaulifications are not met.


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