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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/23/2006 11:01:33 PM


They are being trained by attending "Knicker Bocker College" and the tuition fees are extremely high.

The ones that design and promote these programs know that the people are not going to get results and will quit, are setting there hollering NEXT!

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 12:22:22 AM

Thanks Dave! A great forum and ohh soo true! I see all these hype things and I just laugh! Sometimes they say you'll get it free and then you find out it costs money that you will get back when you sign people under your name! LOL, they are sure a bunch of bottom feeders! Well thanks for the invite! Take care all!

As Always, God Bless!

Sincerly, Susan

Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 1:04:08 AM
Dave I graduated from the "school of hard knocks" myself so I know how hard it is to make it when you aren't trained how to do things the right way. Yes I'll admit that I'm stubborn and have to learn the hard way and sometimes that's the only way people can really learn. But it's not the best way of doing things.

If you want to do it right the first time, pay close attention to people who tell you the straight up truth. Don't listen to the watered down version or let yourself be buttered up and toasted.

Some of us old pros who have been there, done that and got a t-shirt aren't making any money for  helping you, but we do it because we CARE. We don't like seeing people get taken by sheisters and we're willing to spend time out of our day to give you the tips you need to succeed. We don't do it because it makes us rich. We do it because we enjoy helping others and if we help YOU find the right path it gives us the satisfaction in knowing we did something worthwhile to help another individual. NOTHING MORE.

I would love for you to jion my opportunity. That would help me and you both to make money, but that's not what gives me the most satisfaction in life. What makes me feel good is knowing that something I've said or done got through to you and put your on the right track. Money isn't everything. Yeah, I can always use the money, but I feel good about what I do aside from running a business.

I am a missionary in that aspect. If I've helped you to succeed, I've completed my mission.

DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Flag of Louis Pominville

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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 4:44:45 AM

Hey Dave,


Hope you and your family are all recovered now.

Well. I must say, your title got me as it reminded me of something that happened 48 years ago (or so), I am one of those who was brought up on a farm in a small village (population 600 in it's best year, where we had four families with over 20 children each).

My parents had purcahsed me and my brother new skate, a hockey stick and a puck for Christmas, it was a good year,lol.

So off we went to the small homemade icerink to play hockey. The snow was like 4-6 feet high and at one point the hockey puck (yes the brand bew one) dissappeared in the snow; well we looked for it for almost 1/2 hr. never found it, but we wanted to continue to play.

So, our search went to the nearest road where all farmers would travel with their horse and buggy; low and behold, i found the most amazing puck look alike, you guessed it a horse pucky.

It was so good and worked so well, I decided to keep it for the next day; I was really proud of my find. So I put ii in my big winter parka and went home exhausted after this beautiful work out.

The next day (we never told we lost the puck) we get dress ready for another game, and as I am almost out the door, my Mom (bless her soul) says: Louis , what 's that bump in your pocket? Nothing, but before I could utter another word, she stuck her hand in my pocket to investigate the bump; she sreamed as she pulled her hand out full of my somewhat melted perfect horse pucky, ugh!

To this day, my family tell that story and tease me about it, it sure makes laugh and I hope you get a smile out of it to. Warning, when i meet any of you guys in the future, keep your hands out of my pocket as one never knows what you will find, LOL.

To those of you who have not secured your position in Ycademy, please do so at your earliest convenience, it's roaring (free to join, pay to earn):

Louis Pominville

all the best and God bless!

Flag of Tanya V.

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Re: Horse Pucky!!
9/24/2006 1:57:34 PM
Oh my!  Way to say it Dave!

If there's no tangible item being sold, including services, then you are being scammed or are scamming others.

Delete... delete... delete these types of solicitations!

Thanks Dave!


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