Deborah, and Jenny!
Pastor Lynn's secretary did all her internet work for her, and she has never been online trying to market!
Her secretary got married, and moved away! She has only now begun to try to market online because of the program she is trying to raise money for!
You know she asked me should she forget about trying to build relationships in this community, and I told her no no it will be alright; Everyone is just a bit skeptical because of all the scammers online, and I went on to tell her what a great group you all are! I also took the time to walk her thru setting up her profile so you all could see her and visit her site, but I see in some instances it was a waste of her time to even try to reconcile her error, which is really no error at all!
We call ourselves loving, considerate, and compassionate! We don't even know how to accept people!
We say how great this community is, with all the same social injustices that are offline, and right here in ADLAND PRO!
I can remember being asked by a POW to go and accept someone who was new to the community with no profile at all, and not one person thought that odd! Everyone rushed over and embraced them, just because a POW made the request! Now here we are carrying on because someone did not know how to put up their profile correctly!
I hang my head in shame!
Helen Smith
As the posts keep trickling in, I am becoming ASHAMED of how this lady of God is being treated!