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Watch your thoughts
8/23/2006 6:06:29 AM
Your Quote to think about as you go about your day,Have an amazing day.Kathy/ Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character: it becomes your destiny.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Tom Show

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Re: Watch your thoughts
8/23/2006 6:30:03 AM
Another way to say the same thing As thoughts become deeds, deeds become habits and habits become our destiny. Tom
<:))))<>< Tom Show Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (KJV)
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Re: Watch your thoughts
8/23/2006 8:51:27 AM
Thank you Kathy.
Another truth that goes beyond the day to day life.

Here is a tip to get started watching your thoughts:

Take 10 minutes out of your day to quiet your mind.
Most people close thier eyes and find they are thinking
about everything except quiet.

To really quiet your mind, you must have the Holy Spirit
and then focus on your highest aspiration: to become
more like The Christ.

If you do this every day for 21 days, your mind will change,
Your words will change, your actions will change, your
habits will change, your character, and after all these,
Your life.

Happiness is not something you can obtain, it is a state
of being. It is in the silence between your thoughts.
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Re: Watch your thoughts
8/23/2006 11:12:53 AM

You have given a good reason daily to spend time in the Bible.  Also, valuable is to memorize scripture.

Re: Watch Your Thoughts
8/23/2006 11:17:18 AM

I find it interesting how we attend meetings and then the next morning, upon checking our email,  there are these wonderful messages - and all relative to the previous days journey.

Last evening I attended a business seminar on "The Power of Discerment " and how we at times want to help someone so much that we unknowingly place our lives, our business and even our reputation in harms way.

As the story went, a man was walking along a road near a very large lake and saw a person in trouble - they were drowning. Upon jumping into the water and pulling the person to shore they remarked, " you are very lucky you were not out there in deeper water. I am not a good swimmer. Please stay out of this lake and don't swim here anymore . "

The next day, the man returned for his walk along the lake and sure enough, the person had gone back into the lake and was having the same problem - only this time they were out in deeper water. Once again, the man jumped in and again - saved the person from drowning.

"Please, begged the man, I am not a good swimmer. We could have both drowned this time. You must discontinue swimming here ! "

The next afternoon, the man crossed over the highway and walked along the road to the lake. As he stood on the shore line he could see and hear the same person out in even deeper water thrashing about and obviously drowning.

This time he took out his trusty cell phone and reported what was going on to the 911 operator. A hour later, after they had pulled the victim from the lake the man commented to the paramedic, " I begged them twice not to swim here and they ignored my  request. Had I gone in to save them, we would have both surely gone under. I had to practice my power of discernment. "

Today I have to place that " power " into action and release someone from their duties here at TGAMM. It is upsetting for me to have to do this, however, the story shared above directs me to take the right road, one that will not create  problems for both myself and others in the future. After all is said and done, I must also keep in mind that they were given more than enough time and tools to react in a more positive and productive manner. 

All the best,

Joe Buccheri



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