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Re: Watch your thoughts
8/23/2006 11:24:44 AM

Hi Kathy!  :-)

Very is some quotes that jive with this subject of study..........

"All that we are, is the result of what we have thought"  ~  Beethoven

"Thoughts - Become - Things"  ~ Michael Dooley, author 

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought"  ~ Buddah

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

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Re: Watch your thoughts
8/23/2006 12:26:24 PM

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for sharing. It is so true that what you put out in thoughts and deeds will come back to you many times over.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Watch Your Thoughts
8/23/2006 12:56:23 PM
Hello Joe, You are an amazing man with the gift of wisdom to get you through the toughest times and the miraculous times,walk by faith not by site.Love ya Joe,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Watch your thoughts
8/23/2006 1:00:02 PM
Thank you John, Walk by faith not by sight that is my daily prayer to myself.Love thy neighbor, have a pure heart . Those are my tools,Always read your bible or listen to your ministry music on Joe's station on sundays, (The Great American Music Machine Fm) Thanks John
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Helen Smith

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Re: Watch your thoughts
8/23/2006 1:13:02 PM
Hi Kathy, Thanks for the invitation! There's some good food for thought here, and I agree with most! The one thing I do not agree with is that your habits become your destiny! Let's not forget that change is possible! It takes 3 days to create a habit, and 27 to kick it! Were there no redemption the Lord's coming would be in vain! Reading the Bible is an intricate part of our Growth, and Our walk! Be blessed! Helen Smith

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