Ricardo, Your words seem to say that you do have the love of God and desire to share it. I'll share this, and it can be touchy to some, but honestly has been a reality to me. "You will receive power after the Holy Ghost comes upon you,".....and Peter did speak with great boldness after this fact. There's a difference and that power is very very real to me, so that I know it's not me, doesn't come from my head, and does come from the deep experience of the Holy Spirit interiorly...."I will give you power"....God says; "there is strong confidence in the Lord," I remember walking along one day years ago and thinking, "My I feel such confidence!" Then the word came right up to my mind...about the strong confidence in the Lord, and it was then brought to my remebrance that, "the Holy Ghost will reveal all things to you, yea, the deep things of God, and Bring To Remembrance! all things..." The Holy Spirit, yes, brings to remembrance at just the right times the word we need! It doesn't always come from ordinary memory...but just as your words brought all this to mind, the Holy Ghost will speak to your spirit inside, and then your mind hears it! Think of the prophets; their messages don't come from their mind, but their spirit, where the indwelling Holy Spirit speaks to them. It's not and never was by our own power that we have ever or ever will be able to speak up in boldness; it's the spirit of God in us!