Hi Kathy,
Just wanted to comment on what I got out of this scripture!
Through out the life of Christ, we see that he was a man with Charisma, he was not a man of fear, and even when he admonished it was with Love and caring. Should we speak out against wrong? Yes we should, however the way we go about it will have a direct impact on how it is received!
There are times we should speak out boldly, and there are also times we must show restraint! In each case if we are led by the spirit which ever presentation we make will be the right one!
The only time in the Bible there was even a hint of anger in Christs admonishment was when the peddlers where harking their wares in the temple! This ired him and he let them know it. All the other times when we would most likely have been angry; When he was beaten, When he was attacked, When they were going to stone the adultress, and when Judas turned on him, Christ showed great compassion and restraint. He allowed their conscious to convict them by being calm in the face of adversity!
The question is about the work place, but what about our churches? Why do we allow what's going on in the churches to continue?
When I see ATM machines in the church it instantly reminds me of Jesus and the money changers, yet no one says anything! Why is this?
As a society we are becoming complacent with wrong behaviors!
Unfortunately it will get worse before it gets better, as it is written!
Just my opinion.
Helen Smith