More Human
Pondering over my difficult past I was searching for something that lasts It took me in every direction From outward acts to introspection.
I looked in the mirror one day And never saw myself this way, There I was with all my faults and querks And sometimes being a total jerk.
I just did not like what I saw or felt For a moment my ego began to melt And I was left with the truth to see my contempt for the real me.
So I set out to change the constant throng Things I knew in my heart were wrong And I did, the truth be known Like a single seed was sown.
My faith as in a tiny mustard seed. That grew into a magnificent tree Moved me ever forward toward Better actions, deeds and word.
If you look real hard at the tree A dead branch or knot you might see. But you wil see a better man Ever moving toward more human.