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Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 8:34:12 PM

Hello Ladies!

This is an interesting question!  I scan down through hundreds a day from  yahoo group I have interests in and ones I belong to just to make friends and work the group-network and advertise.   I use 2 different email address s.

It will be easier to start with what I dont answer 1st.  I look down the subject lines.  Group its from or Subject is listed, group, I will save it if it is my interest group, then scan to sender and see if its ads for products Im not intrested in, if so they get deleted. 

If in subject line says some flash ad, promise leads, traffic, response, get deleted.  If I click on flash ad has that awful red, white and blue big bold writing, sometimes yellow too, then I delete, that is usually a book or gimmik.

Smut-meet me-single, gets deleted

I have money< I need a representative to help me get it and its an astronomical sum, delete.  Click on and it says, I want 75 ovens can you ship them ups? I will pay s & H, deleted.

I read all friends and their products and sites.  Any thing about vendor sales,  online and fairs and festivals within 100 miles of me, business supplies, invites to new groups.  I try to read every one that has a real picture or the person is talking and being real with me, not blowing hype at me and not telling what the heck the thing is for 42 more pages.  I think that is why DS works for me and I support others and try to always buy what I can from  another fellow DS.  Ive got a real person here.

Im tough on unwanted mail. Between kids around my computer always looking over shoulder and no time for much spam to sift through, to get to a consultants email in need and sift through all the stuff I wanna and gotta see.

Most of my mail is from people online, friends or not, that own their own business or Direct Selling.  So ads/spam is usually from the groups in some way that come to me.  So I notice when I join a group the same spam/ads comes all the time, they  get deleted automatically dont even read.

I read all adlandpro mail, all business, its kind of like the newspaper, I keep my eye on it all the time, you never know when the next big break will come or cool offer AND to get a feel for others ads too.  Sometimes, not very often, I go through them and click on all ads, to check out their style, of ad.  Since I am always looking for catchy ideas to borrow the parts that work for me.  What will get people to respond to me.

Well, I hope that helps somebody some!

Have a great summer!

Tina Ranieri




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Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 8:45:55 PM

Kathy and Linda

I joined AdlandPro for several reasons:

1. To advertise my business opportunities

2. Network with other people who have online businesses 

3. Teach others and learn from others how to improve my networking

To me AdlandPro is a community where all of the people (friends or whatever

you want to call them) need to work together for all of us to reach a common

goal - that would be Success and Profits.

I take each email and look/read it as you never know what other new techniques etc you can learn from a friend/fellow networker.

If you don't want to read an email you can simply delete it but then who knows

what you are missing.

Hope this helps.

Leslie Combs


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Flag of Helen Smith

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Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 9:21:51 PM

Hi Kathy,

Looks like this topic always comes back doesn't it?(lol)

Well answer me this?  As marketers what are we here for?  When you are surfing on the net and see a program you like and join it, have you had tea with the person?  Or did you see something they were offering you felt you could use?

I read the forums, wether I post or not!  It really depends on what I'm doing if I post or if I'm interested, but I do read them!  Guess what 99% of them is advertising, and then we get upset when someone advertises to us.  Let's be truthful here;  Is it just certain people we want advertising from, because it's all advertising!  Go here, look at this, give this person a hand, help this person out, join this program, and on and on!

Trusting people really gets you into trouble if you don't do your own research on the net!  Most of the time some of us will have been talked into joining programs 10 minutes ago, and we come in throw up the preprinted ads, do a forum about knowing the owners personally, and lure people who respect you into dead beat programs that have been online scamming people out of their money for years!

When you ask someone if they got paid, they act like you cursed them!

At any rate;  Here's my take, "If my emails are unwelcome block me"!  Be assured I would do the same thing!  Why I don't, because when I accepted anyone as a FRIEND in this networking environment I did so with the FULL KNOWLEDGE that people would be sending me their offers!

Just a Thought!

Helen Smith


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Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 10:19:45 PM

OK, Kathy,

I got it, so I am going to be serious for this once. LOL.

First.        As Dr. Da said, you were the first person at Adland with any clout to take an interest in me and my website and actually introduce me to the community at large as a friend.

And I love you dearly as a friend for that kindness and dedication to this community.

Second.  As for what kind of messages I send out, that's for the members to comment,, except to say I do  try not to send more than 3 or 4 pure commercials a week.  Most list building sites only allow members one message a week.

Third.     I try to read every message before I delete anything.  I accept most forum invasions, even some that I really think is just commercials. I accept invitations from friends that don't even say "Hi, How are you?" when they invite you! They just surprise  me with a sneak attack.

And why do I tolerate this?

Because, I know that this is not a private club, but a marketing community where people are trying to self whatever they have to sell.  And that  was the main reason they join in the first place. 

There are social/dating communities for those who would block your ad messages. Nevertheless, there should be limits on how many commercial messages we are allowed to grind out every day.

Thanks for Caring and Sharing,


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Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 11:18:17 PM
Hi Kathy, I rather get to know a person than spam people who aren't interested. I had a lot of rude people that don't take no for an answer. That's when I usually say thanks I will take a look at your offer and get back with you. But usually 99.9% of the time I don't. When I do a forum. It's usually something like online scams and a few got real hateful with me. Jokes, or you can list your biz on my forums so I can take a look at them. But first rule of thumb is get to know them like you said and let nature take it course from there. So I agree with you 100% Take care! Jackie
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