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Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 7:19:35 PM
Hello my friends, I need your help and input,this is taken from my friend Linda Caroll's forum.Please tell me what your take on this is.Why is is that you all read my forums????Kathy/simikathy Please go to Linda Caroll's forum link here and also share with her. Heres lindas Quest- Hi.. There's been a lot of talk around here about the volume of ads we all receive, and whether they're welcome or not. To give credit where it's due, Dan Kennedy said something to the effect that as an advertiser, your goal is to figure out how to go "from unwanted pest to welcomed guest" in people's in-box... or something to that effect. Here's 3 rules of thumb. (Pass them on if you like them) 1) People are more likely to read what you send them if they either [a] like you or [b] respect you. Sending ads to total strangers seldom achieves either. 2) If people join your opt in mailing list, you have "the right" to send them ads if you want to. If they don't like what you send, they'll delete, or unsubscribe, or report you for spamming, even though they opted in. 3) In real life, my friends and I share shopping tips. I tell a friend a great restaurant I found. A friend tells me about a great sale. We listen to each other because we like each other. We make recommendations based on what we know our friends like or need. We don't send each other ads. That's not what friends do. Networking communities distort the definition of *friend.* If this confuses you, see rule #1. So... the question becomes... "What can you do to go from "from unwanted pest to welcomed guest" in another person's inbox?" Brainstorm? Linda
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
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Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 7:52:06 PM
Hello my friends, I want to claify this forum,It is to get answers why some people open emails of certain people and not others.I love Linda Caroll so we are not at odds with each other.I want to make it understood that we are trying to find out answers so we can get solutions. Thanks,kathy Please no stupid responses ok please.This is serious topic!!!!Kathy/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 8:17:51 PM
Hi Kathy,

I read your forums first because you were one of the first people to befriend me here at AdlandPro. You were also kind and trusting, a bit reserved.

You have proven to have things I am interested in from time to time. I joined your social networking site.

That is not why I read other people's though. I still look at people's offerings even if I do not know them if I feel they might have something I can learn from. I am always learning, always searching. I even look at offers that apprear to be spam for two things, to become familiar with this new twist and to possibly learn something from it.

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Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 8:29:41 PM
Kathy, please pass this along...

Linda,  I ABSOLUTELY and TOTALLY agree with #1.  Tim and I are advancing in our business again, so I don't have much time for forums and chatting...  HOWEVER,  as a successful networker... the BIGGEST turnoff for me is the constant spamming of one's ads.  If they just tried building relationships and adding value, they'd do much better.  It's kind of funny.... it seems they  are SOOOO fired up by the DEAL OF THE DAY.. and in 3 months they come at me with a NEW deal of the day! 

With #2, that's why I don't opt in.   :-)

And YEA.... The best part of relationships and friendships is the SHARING!  That goes for both ON and OFFLINE...

NOW... this is my ONE forum post for the month!!  LOL!  Stay tuned for next month's update! <HUGS>!!

Linda/CMAS, BS, RN
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Re: Linda Caroll
7/29/2006 8:31:37 PM

Kat--  Well we can't argue with rons input,,,     However I can add  YYEEAAHHH MAN,

Seriously,  Linda is asking a good question.   we start out trying to tell people of our offers and sites. But with no (relationship) just another email?   take for exsample all of us here. when we started out searching and finding the others to call our adland friends. NOt knowing joe from john or kathy from elizabeth we were growing a relationship with who we asked to join our friends list.. Still not (knowing) each other yet hopeing someone would join in what we are offering. Over time seeing posts and messages from each other we do grow comfortable with each other. learning about them. Makeing an impression whether or not we mean to. Thus becomeing excepted and not a pest as linda puts it.. becomeing an welcomed email is not easy. becomeing recognized as the sender and as someone with sound offerings or information or opportunities. A friends list as we have here is the same basics as building an email list. Either way a recognized relation is needed to avoid becomeing a email pest.   An email your sending to ones,,that don't know you and you would like them to,,may start out stateing why they are receiveing it or/and complimenting them somehow. lately emails have been starting out by telling a short story of the senders life experience that leads to what they ar eemailing you about.. something they can relate to..Being apart of a safe list is one way but you have to except all their emails as well....     KATHY however is more then just an email. she is a source of info, a source of hope for some of us with less friends. a source of relief and even makes us laugh. she is even an inspiration. kathy has gained the respect to be welcomed email as she has always been informative and helpfull even complimentry. she shows proffessionalism and friendly. Lanell if you don't know is also an pestfree emailer..   I can only hope to be as welcomed as Kathy, and wish to be.....I have yet to learn the email marketers secrets...           so whats your secrets?

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