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Use of Online Etiquette Leads You To Success
7/20/2006 5:26:24 PM

Is there any e-mail that goes into the deleted file faster than an e-mail ad that is sent before a personal relationship has been established with the e-mail recipient? 

We have more than 30,000 AdlandPro members all of whom have access to the Editor's Pick, where you will find 'The Science of Advertising' forum where online etiquette is taught, along with the formulas for success. 

Just how many members still spam you everyday? Some realize what they are doing, some have no idea how offensive they are to others because they may be novice to doing business online. Spamming fellow members by e-mail simply doesn't work unless you consider a 2% response rate being successful. To me that means 98% failure and is what I consider to be spinning my wheels. Time is my only commodity and yours too. Is spamming the best use of your time?

We are all here at ALP for each others success. Spamming will just end up getting you blocked, and that doesn't look good when people review your stats, and it doesn't promote your business interest, it puts it in a bad light.

Recommendation: Take the time to find the resources during your transition to online business and learn the principles and etiquette needed to enjoy success online. Only you can make that choice which will put you far ahead of the rest. There is legislation pending in congress that will provide grant money for people to study online business principles.

There is only one organization of record thus far that is lobbying congress to require law makers to only disburse grant money to potential grant recpients once they have completed an accredited online business training program. That company is Powerside Broadcasting online. Powerside has been privately funding such a program for some years for it's members. They will get the lionshare of recipients of this public funding since they have the only training program of it's kind in existance at this point.

Are you serious about realizing success online, or are you satisfied with shooting in the dark with your efforts? There is a system to teach you correctly. The 'Science of Advertising' forum is knowledge that author Clay Page has donated for the benefit of the Adland community.

It is here at no cost for the serious business builder to study. Clay's online business development community (that prohibits spamming)  produces success of the people who put in the effort and the site can be visited and used at no cost at the link below.  The site bears the name that best describes its attributes.

It has been designed to accomodate your personal website integration for recognition by a targeted audience. Security is taken care of. Affiliate program capability for your site is included,  the most effective low cost advertsing and much more.

Is there a message board for forum thread participation? Yes. Is there information on health, online business development, ebook creation, free e-cards for special ocassions, cooking and recipes including organics, classified/auction sites? Yes, yes, yes. It just can't all be listed.

Please let me know how I can help you develop your business promotions and teach you what I feel privileged to have learned from Everythingforsuccess (EFS).

Make it a Great Day!

Mark Coussoule

EFS Founding Member

Pres., Healthful Concepts Inc.

Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Re: Online Etiquette Leads You To Success
7/20/2006 11:03:17 PM
Mark Very nicely said. Clay has been one of my most valued mentors since the beginning of my ALP membership. I didn't quite get the part about lobbying Congress. Could you elaborate? By candidates, are you referring to candidates for election? Cheri
Donggeun Yoo

2970 Posts
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Re: Online Etiquette Leads You To Success
7/21/2006 12:27:07 AM




WARNING: A new immensely powerful viral marketing system has been released, which allows marketers to broadcast messages directly to people's desktops. Learn more about it here:
Kathy Clark

172 Posts
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Re: Online Etiquette Leads You To Success
7/21/2006 1:41:57 AM


Thanks for the invite to your new forum.  Great Topic!

So many people just don't get it.  They send emails and don't even say hello, just start selling. 

It is so important to build a relationship first.  Get to know the people you want to market to.  Find out what they want and need.  Then offer help.

I hate SPAM.  Hopefully the members of ADL who are intent on spaming will read your post and take it to heart.

Thanks for sharing,

Kathy Clark

172 Posts
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Re: Online Etiquette Leads You To Success
7/21/2006 1:42:52 AM

Dong Geun Yoo,

That is a Beautiful Rose!
