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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/4/2006 1:46:38 AM
Hello Everybody Thank you Donna for the invitation to this forum. I think I have something very important to share here. For several years now I have been going to Dr. after Dr. trying desparately to find out what is wrong with me. I have periods that last a couple weeks or more where I just simply cannot move because of the pain. Other times I feel pretty good but never as well as I used to or as well as I believe I should. I have been diagnosed with many of the same illnesses that most others face in their quest for answers. Chronic pain syndrome. MS, and Fibro Myalgia to mention a few. Over the last 6 months or so, new symptoms began to appear such as extreme dizzyness, chronic fatigue, problems concentrating and some short term memory loss. Well, guess what folks. I just got a new diagnosis nearly a month ago. It is an illness that mocks all of the other illnesses that I have been diagnosed with and not one Dr. untill now has ever even thought to check for it. I have lyme desiese. Every symptom that I have ever presented with matches and now I am into the third and final stage of the desiese. There is some neurological damage. Numbness and tingling. A lot of unexplained pain and most disturbing is a very serious loss of balance. Particularly in the dark. Somewhere in my past I was bitten by a deer tick and that is how one gets this desiese. If you are having a hard time getting a diagnosis or are getting different kinds of diagnoses and your treatment just doesn't seem to be working, insist on being tested for lyme desiese. The treatment is a regimen of powerful anti biotics and the degree of success is very dependent on how early you are diagnosed. I may be at a point where i will not ever recover my sense of balance. This is a terrible way to go through life. Please get tested as soon as possible. May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and be there waiting,,, when you awaken. Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively Great New Product And Biz Op. Came to me highly recommended by a very good friend. I am just starting and I will keep you all informed as to progress. It really looks good. Here is my link
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Rose Enderud

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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/4/2006 2:28:01 AM
Hello William, Thank you for adding that very important information. I live in an area of the country where lyme disease is prevelant. Your information is right on. Rose
Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/4/2006 4:46:24 AM
Thanks Donna for the invitation to such an interesting forum. Though none of the comments are affecting my family (as yet), I applaude those who have contributed their personal experiences. The shared education and personal expressions are very helpful, not for us only, but to those whom we may contact.
Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/4/2006 7:39:04 AM
Hi Donna, I have a sister with this disease and her 2 daughters have symptoms also. My mother died from a severe form of Lupus and it is now thought these diseases are related according to some studies. From the research we have done the illness is brought on from stress on the immune system. This could be toxins, pollutants, chemicals and mental stress. The treatment is a healthy lifestle, healthy diet, exercise is extremely important and mentally focus on healing, not on the illness itself. There are many alternative treatments, keep going until you find one that works for you. I have a friend who has had success with light therapy. Mental attitude is the key to all healing. Meditation has also helped many. Prescription drugs can cause more symptoms than they cure, be aware of nutrient depletion of many drugs which can in turn cause disease itself. We have been bombarded by drug companies claiming to cure all of our ailments from A-Z it is just not the truth. We need to be aware of what these companies are really after, it is not your health. Natural healing is healthiest and safest for your body. Mary Beth Proven Income earner Marketing Pond Advertise all those sites you joined for free Free is Good!
Joyce Sanders

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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/4/2006 8:36:32 AM
Thank you for inviting me to this forum. I do not suffer from this complication myself but I have friends that do. I know how very painful it can be. I have read where it is thought that this disorder is being caused by the accumlation of food additive. I know we all eat more and more processed foods as we are more dependent on large scale farming in both the vegetables and meats we comsume. I think this could be a possible cause of this disorder. I hope someone soon finds a true treatment for this disorder. Best Regards, Joyce Sanders aka. roadcat

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