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Rose Enderud

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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/3/2006 10:43:26 PM
Hello Donna, I have a friend and co-worker who has FS. I will be watching closely for information that can help her. Rose
John Leal

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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/3/2006 11:23:51 PM
Hi Donna I haven't been afflicted with this complaint, luckily. I don't think it's so common in men but I know it can be a pain, excuse the pun. I've sent your forum URL to my friend in Canada who suffers quite a lot.
Diane Bjorling

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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/4/2006 12:25:15 AM
First off, thank-you for inviting me to this forum. I was first diagnosed with Fibromylgia over 12 years ago, then 3 years ago was diagnosed with MS. I can say that in Canada there is still a lot of contraversy over the diagnosis as there is no definitves tests as in blood work etc. They mainly go on how many pressure points are affected..if I remember right I had I think it was 12 or 13 out 0f 15 points..don't quote me..was long time ago..It is painful which is made more difficult, simply because if you hurt you don't want to move..worst thing you can do..There many organizations out there that do offer support, the only problem is that they at times conflict on what they are saying, you go for the chemical drugs or organic drugs..I think at some point I have tried them all. I will say that sitting still s the single most worst thing that you can do. I don't know if that helps..anyways,thanks for letting me share Diane Happy bithday USA..have fun blowing out the candles
Linda Harvey

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Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/4/2006 1:30:06 AM
This is going to be a very interesting forum. My neice and I both have suffered with fibromyalgia for years. I have limited mobility because of injuries on job, but the pain level and other symptoms of fatigue, cramping... worsen the injury problems. And from all I have read, chemicals in our food, cleaning supplies, carpet.... all types of exposures are what is causeing our health to deteriorate, higher incidence of cancer and other diseases.... Linda
Re: Fibromyalgia Syndrome
7/4/2006 1:46:37 AM
The other day I started a forum about Transfer Factor. It is the best product on the market for the immune system. One of the MANY conditions we can suffer as a result of a poor immune system is Fibromyalgia. My Transfer Factor website is: There are testimonials from Fibro. sufferers telling of the benefits of Transfer Factor and Fibro AMJ, plus info. on these products. I do not make any money out of telling people about Transfer Factor. I do so because it is such an amazing product and I know how much it can benefit sufferers of all kinds of conditions and illnesses. It is so good, it boosts the immune system an unprecedented 437% and in lab tests killed live leukemia cells in blood. Regards, Jennie
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