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Re: 4th July
6/28/2006 2:05:13 PM
Hi All, I agree .We need to thank God everyday for the people that have fought over the years for our freedom and who have died for our freedom.If there is anyone in this forum with family members still fighting for our country I sulute them for a job well done and thank them for giving me the freedom they have giving me today.For if it wasn't for them over the years we would not be here today. Becky GREAT savings at thousands of professional care providers including: dentists, physicians, pharmacies, and much more!
Re: 4th July
6/28/2006 2:06:56 PM
Hi Linda, Thanks for your diligent work and sharing it with us. All I can add is Amen to that! Peter.
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: 4th July
6/28/2006 2:18:49 PM
Hello Linda, Bravo for hosting a HIP HIP HURRAY it is USAs Independence Day! I am glad this thread was posted by a European. ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA*** American people enjoy your day. We wish your happiness. People that forget their history are condemned to disapear. Go to the parades. Support your Country. It is a Remebrance Day. Here is nice site to visit to learn more about USA and July 4th. Best Regards Georgios
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Deborah Skovron

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Re: 4th July
6/28/2006 3:59:26 PM
Hi Linda, Thank you for that wonderful tribute to the men who made our country great. The 4th of July really shouldn't be about picnics but about remembering the sacrifice that was given to get our freedom. Thank you again, Linda. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Steven Workman

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Re: 4th July
6/28/2006 4:14:59 PM
Great article! I wondered what happened to them. I always thought they were secluded in some safe place and died peacfully of 'old age'. Remember and support all the service men and women from all the Nations that are fighting for Peace and Freedom! Steven

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