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Robin McLean

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
6/21/2006 3:25:17 PM
Dave: You're the absolute BEST!... Big hug, Robin
Yuwie - The Place for Fun,Friends,Earning $$$ Internet Marketing Ctr. (IMC) Marketing Leverage Systems Agent ID#: MLS2126
Jill Bachman

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
6/21/2006 4:46:40 PM
Hi Dave, Great words of wisdom and I appreciate your forum! I think if we all practice the Golden Rule, the entire world would get along better. That's it......just my simple logic :-) Bless you, Jill
Mary Hannan

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
6/21/2006 4:54:33 PM
Hello Dave, Thanks for the post & invitation. I'm glad you wrote this! Mary
Leon Horton

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
6/21/2006 6:32:07 PM
Hi Jill, You said, "I think if we all practice the Golden Rule, the entire world would get along better. That's it......just my simple logic." That is what it is all about... keeping things simple. It is very smart logic as well! Everybody, Many times people misinterpret the written word and it is very hard to cross over into those cultural realms with the words we use in our everyday lives. There are so many who misinterpret even though they are Americans who are reading the words. I can see how somebody from a foreign country (with English not being their native language) could be easily confused! We all need to take a little time to try to understand what is being written before we jump in and say something hurtful. The tounge is the sharpest weapon in the world and it wounds the deepest of any weapon known to man. I have preached enough... Peace, Leon
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Hurt, Humiliation and Human Beings
6/21/2006 7:24:42 PM
Hi Dave, I expressed my opinion to the offenders on the forum that caused all the problem. The issue is not that they disagree, as that is healthy. The problem is slandering other people and calling them derogitive names. After the second go-around, the offense was explained to them and I left the forum. I am free to read and post on forums. I am free to block people who can't use the English language in a constructive manner. It is no loss to me to leave a forum. Let's stop throwing wood on the fire. Just leave the forum and the people who offend you. When there are disagreements, the whole friends list does not need a "see what he did to me" message. This has happened twice in the short time I have been here. It reminds me of children who run to their parents to have them punish the other child. If you disagree with someone, don't feel you need to notify the whole community. Forum owners are free to delete posts. If they don't like the language, kick the person off the forum. So what have you lost?? Accepting disagreements is different from accepting bad language. Let's practice a little discipline here. Thanks Dave for setting some issues straight here.