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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/27/2006 3:07:49 PM
Ken, Not pop-up chasers but having our mind goggled with "Oh yeh, meant to contact that person." I believe there is potential for abuse. Won't go there to give any ideas. I have witnessed this already. So, one just deals with it. I suggest everyone to read: Anyone abusing the pop ups will only lose friends and influence. So everybody behave!!
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/27/2006 3:12:58 PM
Dave, Now that you know that they are not private messages you can ignore them. If I were new I would concentrate on learning the basics for now. Pop ups can be a tool for you when you feel more comfortable moving around in Adlandpro. I lost many a post or e-mail and had to retype when new here. Newbies do not need to add to their stress load. Good point, Dave.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/27/2006 3:16:32 PM
Hello Sue, Good point. Some times you might want the pop ups. Other times you may need to concentrate or work uninterrupted, so they can be turned off. As suggested, you might to take a specific time to set aside during high use (300 or more users on line) and work the pop ups.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/27/2006 3:23:47 PM
Hi Melissa, That is probably why some were so was stretching us. Some are slow to change. When they first appeared it seemed strange to see names and forums unfamilar to me. Wow there is a lot going on here was the feeling I was experiencing. Previously, it seemed we were throwing words into the air and wondered if anyone was reading. Now we see the pop ups within sec. of posting and we know more than our friends list, or even Adlanpro people have seen the post. Statistics for new members joing since pop ups came on the scene will one figure I want to get from Bogdan.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/27/2006 3:26:13 PM
Glenn, Always good to look for something positive. Stay open minded or turn them off is the option. Thanks for visiting here.

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