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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/6/2006 12:10:31 PM
Congratulations Georgios, King of the Hill! Enjoy your POTW spotlight. Warmest regards, Bonita
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/6/2006 12:11:17 PM
Congratulations Georgios, King of the Hill! Enjoy your POTW spotlight. Warmest regards, Bonita
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/6/2006 12:51:38 PM
Hello SweetGraMe, Than you for sharing my happines my friend. I am honoured to be in your friends list. The show how much I appreciate being your friend I will give you a view how is is to be grand mother. Mother Earth - Gaea Gaea, she was the mother and wife of Father Heaven, Ouranus. They were the parents of the first creatures, the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Giants - the Hecatoncheires (Hundred - Handed). Ouranus hated the monsters, and, even though they were his children, locked them in a secret place in the earth. Gaea was enraged at this favoritism and persuaded their son Cronos to overthrow his father. He emasculated Uranus, and from his blood Gaea brought forth the Giants, and the three avenging goddesses the Erinyes. Her last and most terrifying offspring was Typhon, a 100-headed monster, who, although conquered by the god Zeus, was believed to spew forth the molten lava flows of Mount Etna. To know more visit the forum topic: Goddess Gaea-Earth (Greek Mythology) Best Regards Georgios PS. The Origin of Your Name
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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/6/2006 12:58:03 PM
Hello Georgios! Sorry for being here so late :-( I didn't even noticed that it has passed so much since the first time I wanted to come here, I was so busy. I want to send you my warmest greetings and congratulations for everything you accomplished, here and anywhere else. You're such a deserving and great person. I thank you for being my friend and for everything you share and do for our culture! Greek culture is so wonderful and exciting! Always a pleasure to read, remember and find out more about it. With friendship, Anamaria
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/6/2006 1:02:42 PM
Hey, Georgios! Remember, you are the celebrated one here! You are the KING now, and kings do not work! LOL You have to enjoy the party! ;-) Thank you for the extra you posted here about humor and everything. With friendship, Anamaria :-D

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