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Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/4/2006 8:27:56 PM
********************************************************* ********************************************************* Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and LaNell! It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below: Criterion How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week? To be chosen as Person of the week you: • Are highly visible on the community • Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful. • Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members. ********************************************************** Our Person of the Week for this week is one of our most interesting members at AdlandPro his name is Georgios Paraskevopoulos. What makes him intriguing? We would have to say his diverse background. If you’ve read any of his forums or posts you’ve witnessed his broad knowledge in different subjects. Georgios is also one of our most gregarious members and that is why he is this week’s POTW. Congratulations Georgios! Enjoy your week of honor. ********************************************************** Here's Georgios Bio: To all AdLandPro members Thank you my friends, for all support you gave me. The last three weeks were full of surprises. POTW #44 and POTW #46 were a very good experience. On 5/18/2006 I received a message from CEO Bogdan Fedur. He honoured me by upgrading my status to Power Member. Furthermore the forum topics set up by Kathy Martin and LaNell. Dearest friends, It is an honour to be elected Person Of The Week. I have been lucky being surrounded by excellent people, friends who joined my friends circle not for a REASON, or a SEASON, but for LIFETIME. We live in a small world where people communicate for different reasons, to make friends, to give and get help, support, advice and to promote their opportunities and e-business. My AdLandPro history in brief 1. I joined AdLandPro 9/13/2005 2. In December I downloaded Skype. Skyping or being skyped I had the opportunity to practice my knowledge in the English language. I had not spoken English since 1978. I believe I am doing well. 3. I started three forums in which many friends are active and these forums are successful with over 2800 posts which have been sent and many - many thousands of viewings. 3. May 2006, candidate in POTW #44 & #46 4. May 19th upgraded to Power Member 5. June 4th 2006 Person Of The Week (POTW) This honour belongs is due to all of you and wish to share it with all of you to those who had an different opinion to my replies and to all of them who supported me by posting and giving answering, advice and supplied interesting information to my quest and attitudes. I am member in WOSAT and in IMU, companies started by my friends in AdLandPro. Here is my biographic notification. My name is Georgios C. Paraskevopoulos. I was born in a small village outside Thessaloniki, Greece, 1955 January 10th. A Capricorn I am in mind and behaviour. Everything is set up after a plan and I always try reach my goals. I am the eldest of four children. My grandparents from both sides are Greek from Pontus Northern Turkey. They left Pontus just before the Greek Genocide began by the Kemalists in Turkey. First they settled down in Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraina, and later they moved to Stavropol in Russia. In the year 1922 they came to their motherland Greece. “The mother tongue is Hellenic” (Greek). I have to defend, to develop and keep it alive. I also speak Pontic also known as Romeika (an ancient Greek dialect). My dream has always to been to a linguist or a glossologist. Since 1972 I am working with words, names, definitions and etymology, ancient history and mythology, which is my hobby and I love it. My parents decided to leave Greece in 1965 and emigrated to Sweden. As a 10 year old boy I followed them. The contrast between Greece and Sweden was big. A politically chaotic Greece compared to a peaceful democratic structured Sweden. After three months I spoke fluently Swedish and very soon I was active, playing football, chess, I began to collect stamps, and on Sundays I went to Sunday’s School. My parents were quite strict. I had to be the good example for my brothers and little sister. I was obliged to be the best in school, excellent in behaviour and perfect in society. I grew up in Sweden with a traditional Greek way of thinking at home but with a "secret" opened me in the Swedish society. I knew that to survive I had to be Greek among Greeks and Swedish amongst the Swedes. I have never been discriminated as a foreigner, many others have. I did never given people a reason to discriminate me. 1971 I joined the FNL (an Anti-Vietnam War Community). At that time I stopped going to Sunday school. At same time besides my schooling I began to work as an interpreter and as a translator. I had to help economically or at least to earn my spending. That was positive for me. I learned how to stay in society. In 1975 I had to do my duties for my motherland and I came back to Greece. At that time I had a big social and cultural confrontation. Even though Greek I could not feel like a Greek in my homeland. I had to learn many new things. I had to think more effectively, to be tougher, more charismatic, to show hospitality and mercy. I had to change my temperament. After one year I went back to Sweden to be with my family again and to go on with my studies. I studied International Migration Politics and System Science. In 1978, May 6th I married Erophile (means friend of Eros). She gave birth to two sons, Charalampos and Achilleus, who are now 27 and 21 correspondingly. From 1973 to 1983 I was very active in the Greek Emigrant Community organizing them in groups of interest and to get them involved. In 1983 I returned to Greece, and am working as an administrative / consultant for the Ministry of Education, section Adult Education and as a second occupation and am a part-time translator. Since 1983 I joined many organisations. I worked as volunteer, visiting elderly people helping them with all sorts of problems. In 1996 I joined internet groups such as Greek Mythology, Ancient World History. After 2003 I began to search for a retirement activity by joining e-business programs. I am NOT earning money at internet but I am trying to join something good, something human where people like to be and earn money honestly. I am 51 years old. One thing I learned from my mother "NOTHING IS GIVEN FOR FREE". I have ideas that I will structure and organize and in due time I will introduce them to my friends, where everyone can earn money. I joined AdLandPro to make friends, to learn, to share their experience, and give if I have something to give them. More information about me 1) PROZ (Professional Translators) Web info: 2) My own Forum: (Georgios Paraskevopoulos’s, Curriculum Vitae) Yours sincerely Georgios C. Paraskevopoulos ********************************************************** Well folks, now those of you who don’t know Georgios personally can see why he is such an interesting individual. Please take the time to invite him to be your friend and to congratulate him on winning the POTW. Georgios, we appreciate all you do for us here at AdlandPro and we appreciate your gestures of kindness. Enjoy your week my friend, you have earned it. Love and blessings to all of you from, John Sanchez and LaNell ********************************************************* ********************************************************* John Sanchez My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals. If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!
La Nell !

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/4/2006 8:33:41 PM
Hello Everyone! ;-) Congratulations Georgios! :-) You will be the King this week and get special attention. 8) You are something special and my favorite friend. (Hugs) :-) Cheers! LaNell
La Nell !

3647 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/4/2006 8:46:34 PM
Hello Everyone! :-) Georgios Made Power Member. LaNell 8) Link to my Feature forum.
Lisa Reddell

254 Posts
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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/4/2006 8:57:57 PM
Ah Georgios! What a terrific life story you have. I am honored to be called your friend. Congrats my friend! Lisa :`)
Lisa Reddell :`)
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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (46th Edition)
6/4/2006 8:58:24 PM
Hello John and LaNell, Georgios my friend, you are getting "double honors this week!" Congratulations Power Member and POTW! Now if that isn't making valuable "contributions to the community" I don't know what is. Enjoy yourt turn in the spoltlite my friend. Steven
Steven G. Reid Wallaby Traffic CMU7 WTC W