Hi Art,
I really enjoy your outlook on life!
If I lose money or don't have any, I can always, eventually, replace it and repay any debts that accrue..
If I lose happiness for just one second - I can never replace that! It has gone - irrevocably.
Once upon a time, I sold insurance door-to-door (boy, is that a tough way to make a living!)
There came a point when the economy was a complete shambles; the province was virtually in a stranglehold when three of the province's biggest unions when on strike, and then to top it off, an election was called. Thousands of people were out of work, with many losing houses, equipment, and of course, their jobs.
Guess how difficult it was to find people willing to spend what money they had on extra insurance?
Anyway, one day, I walked into our office, where everyone was sitting around with gloom and doom plastered all over their faces.
I was smiling and said, "Man, it's sure great not to have to worry about paying bills!"
They all looked at me like I was either crazy or had just won the lottery.
Then I said, "When you've got no money to pay the bills, why worry about it?"
Worrying has never accomplished anything good that I know of.
God bless,