Hey Dave and Linda and Cheri...
Will you guys slow down?
I'm having trouble even reading fast enough. This is more like a chat room at the moment than a forum.
As Dave said:
"These are some great forums:
Money 101
Never Too Late"
I can attest to the fact that Cheri is passionate about educating people how to get out of debt. Cheri and I have swapped a few emails on this subject and her sincerity really shines.
And Dave...
"Education really needs to start from the first nickel we put in our childrens' hands.
We have always taught our children to put a minimum of 10% of their income into savings, a minimum of 10% aside for philanthropic spending, and to only spend what they have in hand.
That, hopefully, will give them a solid financial foundation to build on.
I did the same with my son and daughter, Shylock and Portia (only kidding about the names - but if you get my "drift" then you'll know what I mean -LOL!).
They have both recently purchased a property and they have already shown a VERY healthy increase in capital gain - somewhere between $40,000 and $80,000 - depending on whose valuations you take notice of. And it all started out with that 10% principle.
From tiny acorns great oak trees can grow. From nickels and dimes dollars can grow.