Hi Dave;
Win a lottery!
Or rob a bank (dangerous)...
With video surveillance today, robbing is as dumb as it is dangerous. And, according to statistics, almost all lottery winners are in worse shape 2 years later than ever before. They've never had money and, thus, don't know how to manage it.
What we can't manage, manages us.
(ie, temper, money, attitude, etc)
I read, somewhere, that 96% of people today live with financial stress and over 80% have no savings. While money can't buy happiness, it's a lot easier to be happy when we can pay our bills and eat.
Problem is, people don't know how to "make" money any better than they know what to do with it when they have it.
For example, here's 3 ways to make a million;
- Sell 40,000 items at $25 each
- Sell 20,000 items at $50 each
- Sell 10,000 items at $100 each
With a pencil and paper, a person could actually plan out how to achieve that over a number of months or years. But most people won't. Most people put more planning into making dinner than they do into their finances or their future.
Hence... the get rich quick folks clean up because people don't know how to plan their work and work their plan.
: )