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Cheri Merz

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Re: OH NO! That Ugly, Insidious "Opportunity" is Back!
5/23/2006 12:14:31 AM
Hi, Gary, What, you rant? Perish the thought! lol. You know, there are newbies here at Adland who missed the first go-round, so unfortunately it behooves us to do it again. Kind of like cleaning up after the elephant parade, eh? If this weren't enough, I got one about "send 50 cents to the name at the top of the list and..." You know the drill. The amount keeps getting smaller and smaller as if that would make it's 'only' 50 cents. And it was from someone who should have known better. Sigh. Cheri
Gary Simpson

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Re: OH NO! That Ugly, Insidious "Opportunity" is Back!
5/23/2006 4:47:20 AM
Oh Cheri, It's like bashing your head against a darn brick wall. Newbie? Uh-uh... I have seen this person's name often and for quite some time now. He/she is a serial offender. Then there is another person who, I swear, sends me 1 or 2 emails per day. I have no idea how this person can even keep track of ALL the crazy junk that he/she does and is involved in. And it's ALL lamentable crap of absolutely ZERO interest and/or value to me or, I suspect, anyone else. I even think that some Adland types are just testing "headlines" to see what will pull a response because sometimes I will follow the link just to see why these people are doing this. You know what I find? I find an empty forum or a dead end. Duuuuuuuuuuuh! Then there is the person who "implores" me to help this person, support that person, join this wacky forum, buy this guy's e-book coz he is trying to achieve an Amazon record (great reason! - NOT!), send an email to some kid, make a donation, blah, blah, blah. I have already decided that the next dumb piece of trash that she (yes she is a she) sends me it will be the END of my so-called "friendship" with her. Hey folks! This Adland "friend" list is not an excuse to use and abuse people across the internet! I would absolutely cringe at the thought of mass-mailing some of the complete rubbish that is sent to me. No doubt some of you are also getting it. Here's a hint - if you wouldn't like somebody to send it to you then DON'T SEND IT TO ME OR OTHERS! And Cheri? I am beyond being a ranter. I am now a tirader - and damn proud of it! I'm at the point of packing my bags and leaving Adland over this. There are very few reasons that I am still here - interaction with yourself, Linda, Dave, Winston and several others (sorry if I missed some of you). There really are some wonderful people here. But even that is often overshadowed by the thoughtless marketing of trash. I really enjoy interacting with decent, intelligent folk who talk sense. But I detest the idiocy that is fired like a coleslaw cannon at me. Alas, one can only hope that certain people take a good hard look at their marketing behaviour. We are not simpletons who will jump on board every dopey scam that you send our way. Detect the frustration? A hint of anger, maybe? Yep! I am ready to declare war on GORILLA MARKETERS - keep annoying me and you'll go on my increasing banned list. In the meantime... munch on a banana and THINK before you send your junk across the net. Sorry Cheri - I'm hitting the redline on my tacho. I'll go now and have a little lie down for a while. (Actually, I'm gonna see the Da Vinci Code at the cinema tonight - LOL!) Gary
Winston Scoville

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Re: OH NO! That Ugly, Insidious "Opportunity" is Back!
5/23/2006 7:09:38 PM
Hi Gary, Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.......As you know, I'm not one for long winded posts. Especially when it's all been said! So...What you said goes ditto for me!!! Now to the real imortant part of your post. What was the movie like !!!! :-) We get a channel here called the History Channel and the Da Vinci Code has been the topic every evening for what seems like the past three weeks. I couldn't tell you a thing about what the movies about but I can certainly fill you in on the background! LOL
Gary Simpson

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Re: OH NO! That Ugly, Insidious "Opportunity" is Back!
5/23/2006 7:50:07 PM
Winston, Yakkity yakkity yak. Yeah. It seems like you can go over this sort of stuff ad-infinitum and people will still do it. So, am I wasting my time - probably. But it feels good to exorcise those demons. The Da Vinci Code... Well, I promised that I would review it on Dave Cottrell's forum so all I'll say here is that it was reasonably enjoyable and that the lead actress (don't know her name) was very easy on the eye. Mosey on over to Dave's DaVinci forum and I'll tell you more. Sorry, I don't have the link handy but he's in Power Members (I think). Gary
Cheri Merz

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Re: OH NO! That Ugly, Insidious "Opportunity" is Back!
5/23/2006 11:04:45 PM
Hi, Gary Couldn't reply to this all day...kept getting an error. Not wanting to beat a dead horse, but in referring to newbies, I was talking about the people who haven't been here long enough to be warned about these things, not the repeat offenders. So, I'll go look at your review because I read the DaVinci Code and am seldom pleased with the movie if I've previously read the book. Replied to your penultimate post, because if you replied to Dawn's, your last post and anything tagged to it is gonna disappear when Linda deletes Dawn's. Dawn, if you're still here, please read the description of this forum, referencing Linda's rule. Cheri

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