Hi, Norm
Isn't this interesting? I didn't get at all that people don't appreciate the give and take of thoughtful and intelligent conversation. In fact, I think that's what Art is referring to when he talks about only replying to the original poster and not to the entire thread.
I'm pretty sure that the people posting in that forum, for the most part would agree with what Linda started the Go Figure thread about. Only when a post has no connection to or value for the conversation at hand, and in particular is an ad, do people become irritated when a thread takes a left turn.
A possible exception is when the forum owner is clearly attempting to keep an organized theme running through all his threads. I detected a bit of irritation in Georgios' reply today to someone who introduced an off-topic name in a thread of his name origins forum.
If I want one of my threads to remain very close to the original post, I respond to a person taking it off course by reiterating the point I was making originally. But it usually isn't necessary. If the person has posted something totally irrelevant, the other participants tend to ignore it.
At other times and in places where it seems appropriate, I join others in going wildly, joyfully and sometimes goofily off-topic. You ought to see the silliness that goes on in Larry Anderson's Weird Facts forum. We go out of our way to take the facts in whatever twisted way we can to make an attempt at a funny post, make sly digs at the other players and in general just have a bit of silly fun.
It all depends on the forum. It's sort of like entering a roomful of people at a social occasion. I always observe for a while before I offer anything, just to see how the culture of the gathering is developing. Then I either join in in the same spirit if I can, or I leave.
To extend the analogy, what I understood Art to be complaining about would be like entering the room, walking up to the host and addressing him while completely ignoring the rest of the guests, then leaving without waiting for a reply from the host.