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Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: American Problem
5/14/2006 11:16:13 PM
First, to everyone. I am SORRY that sometimes my WebTV and Adland's software make me double post. Is is NOT my intent to do that and I apologize for it happening. ------------------- Hello Amanda In order to communicate with others, you can NOT go around CHANGING the definitions of word just to fit YOUR agenda. According to the definition in Websters dictionary, "Religion IS the belief and reverence in a SUPER NATURAL power accepted and the creator and governor of the universe." Which certainly INCLUDES JC's "daddy". The ONLY JC I know of is the one in the Christian Bible. IF you believe JC is the son of god, YOU ARE RELIGIOUS! IF you believe the Bible is the word of god, YOU ARE RELIGIOUS! If you PRAY, YOU ARE RELIGIOUS1 So, like it or not, YOU ARE RELIGIOUS! And like it or not YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE CHRISTIAN religion. And it makes no difference if you support what they do or not, you are still a member. So telling me you are NOT religious is really just lying both yourself and to others. ------------------- Sorry, it was NOT ME who says life does not start until after the first breath is taken, it IS the BIBLE which says it! As far as your regretting you had an abortion, I am sorry you feel that way. Still, you should realize other women who have had abortions do not regret their decision. And, it is THEIR decision to make! It is NOT the decision of any others. Not of any religion or anyone else. NO ONE has the right to tell others if they can have an abortion or not! ------------------- Yes, maybe some of the people of every country believe in one, or more, god. SO WHAT? A. At one time, nearly every person in the entire world, BELIEVED the world was flat and that the sun went around the world. Belief does NOT equate to FACT! B. In some counties, the percent of people who believe in a god (or gods) is below 50 percent. C. World wide, there is OVER a BILLION Atheists. And as more people become more educated, more people will become Atheists! In most of Europe, religion and belief in god is falling like mad! Why? EDUCATION! D. The United States IS the MOST RELIGIOUS first world nation in the world & yet, there are still at least 20,000.000 Americans who are Atheists now and more become Atheists all the time. MILLIONS of times MORE Americans become Atheists than Atheists become religious. ----------------- IN GENERAL, the HIGHER the IQ a person has, the LESS religious they are. AND, IN GENERAL, the HIGHER the Educational level a person reaches, the LESS religious they are. ------------- Of course, due the crappy treatment Atheists get from Christians here in the United States, MOST American Atheists are AFRAID to publicly state they are Atheists! It's TERRIBLE most of us are so AFRAID of what the "loving" Christians will do to us, most of us can not be honest! Most Americans who are NOW Atheists WERE Christians for some, to most of their lives. Then, we finally DE-PROGRAMMED our- selves. (And YOU can as well.) Even in the US, the most religious first world nation on earth, Atheists ARE the leaders, or among the leaders in nearly EVERY field of life! Humans have INVENTED OVER 30,000 different gods so far! And there is NO proof any of them have ever existed other than in the minds of their believers. ------------------- As far as your "having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus" The Facts are there IS NO secular proof Jesus EVER Existed. JC is ONLY ONE of SIXTEEN Crucified Savors we know of. MANY of them were "born of Virgins" & were born on Winter Solstice. And many of them were also resurrected. The Facts are the Christian Church DID NOT TREAT Jesus AS HE WAS A REAL PERSON FOR THE FIRST 350 YEARS OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION! The facts are the story of JC was taken DIRECTLY from the story of another savior, Krisitna, who was supposedly crucified and resurrected in India some 1,250 years BEFORE JC! There are THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY SIX! (346) EXACT copies in the story of Jesus which were taken from the story Kristnia. A few are: Born of a Virgin, around Winter Solstice, not born in a home, had own "star", had three wise men bring gifts, did miracles, crucified between two thieves and then resurrected 3 days later. (Plus 337 more exact copies.) The Facts are, NOT ONE of the people who was living in the area JC was supposed to be, ever reported ONE word about him. Here's a guy who was supposed to be doing "miracles" having people follow him, an army chase him, a big trial, crucified & then resurrected? AND, NO ONE THERE WRITES ONE WORD ABOUT THAT? (They wrote about a bunch of things less important than it would be were it true.) ------------ You can believe whatever you want and have a personal relationship with whoever or whatever you want. ONLY to those of us who know better, say you may as well tell us that you have a personal relationship with the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Rabbit or Santa Claus as they are just as real as JC is. THIS IS BECAUSE JC & GOD (S) ARE THINGS WHICH ONLY EXIST IN THE MINDS OF THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN THEM. We Atheists only DIS-BELIEVE in ONE LESS god than you do! Last, there is very high percent chance YOU are like most religious people in that the main reason & perhaps the ONLY reason, you believe in a god is simply because YOU WERE PROGRAMMED TO by those who raised you!
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Mark Wade

69 Posts
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Re: American Problem
5/15/2006 7:23:28 AM
To quote; "9-11 is a result of religion. The bombing's in Spain, England, Egypt, Bali and all around the world are a result of religion. The bombing of the US Federal Building in OK. City, the various bombing's of the health clinics, the killing of doctors and gays, the bombing of the Olympics in Atlanta, GA. are ALL the RESULTS OF RELIGION! The Inquisition, when MILLIONS of MOSTLY WOMEN and CHILDREN were Tortured and Murdered was the result of religion. The LARGEST BAR TO PROGRESS has ALWAYS BEEN and ALWAYS WILL BE, RELIGION! "There was a time when the Christian Religion Ruled the Known World, it is called, THE DARK AGES!" ========================= The Blame Game is a lame game. ========================= And since all you rail incessantly about Neil is in the name of "against" religion, the hole you're in is so much more incredibly darker. How in the world can anyone make anything useful out of life when the only thing they have, to make themselves feel useful, is such a dark hatred towards anything religious. I'll imagine that I am not only speaking for myself when I say that I am wonderfully grateful I don't live in that nasty, derisive, dark world you live in between your ears. May God Bless You Neil. Mark
b5media ought to be known as bsmedia. That's my message for now...
Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: American Problem
5/15/2006 12:40:47 PM
Poor Mark, so very desperate to defend his childish superstitution, he attacks me for SIMPLY REPORTING THE FACTS. Just another person who does not care what the facts prove as long as they have their belief to hang on to, just as a drowning person hangs on to a stick. I should not dislike a religon whose guide book (Bible) tells them to KILL EVERONE who does NOT believe as they do? Should I not dislike a religion who has been KILLING those who do not agree with their beliefs for around 2,000 years? Do I hate the fact MOST Americans who are Atheists are SO AFRAID of what their HYPOCRITICAL "Loving" Christian neighbors will do to them if they publicly state they are Atheists, they do not publicly make it known they are? Yes, I hate that. Do I hate it when Christians FORCE non-Christians to LIVE BY THEIR RULES? Yes, I do. Would Christians like to have the Moslems take over the U.S. and then FORCE them to live by THEIR rules? I doubt it. Yet Christians do care if they do it to others. MARK, your comments have PROVED that YOU are just another Christian HYPOCRITE! And Mark, instead of attacking me for my REPORTING THE TRUTH, you would do the world, yourself and your religion a service by doing what you can to make it so Americans who are Atheists would NOT be AFRAID to tell every one they are Atheists.
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: American Problem
5/15/2006 12:58:50 PM
And Mark, In reply to your stupid, nasty remarks about what is in my head, I will match and beat you in about any catagory there is be it intellectual or other wise! How many lives have YOU saved? I have saved MANY! (over a hundred) How many times have you put your physical well being and/or your life on the line to help others or in helping other achieve their civil rights? (Not including any military time of which I have a lot.) I have done it over 10 times. How much blood have YOU given? I have given FIVE GALLONS and would have given more except for my having cancer for a while. Have you ever been responsible for raising ten's of thousands of dollars for United Way? I have. So Mark, take your stupid comments and shove them where the sun don't shine!
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of

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