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Re: More Stuff!
9/2/2006 8:32:47 AM
Hi Winston, Checked it out. Looking good. Do you make model ships? How about a ship in a bottle. How do they get their hands in the bottle? What is your revenue stream going to be? I'm being nosey aren't I? Martha
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Re: More Stuff!
9/2/2006 1:06:18 PM
Hi Linda,

Wow  Winston!, this is the first time I  have seen your famous model shipping building site.  I am very impressed at the finished result.  It is a very atractive site and the style suits its topic well

I cant believe that this is the result of all those posts in chinese (or was it greek) about html codes and other strange subjects!! 


Happy to be a Computer Klutz

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Re: More Stuff!
9/2/2006 11:20:50 PM

Hi Winston, Checked it out. Looking good.
Thanks Martha. Linda made it pretty easy though with this course.
Do you make model ships? How about a ship in a bottle. How do they get their hands in the bottle?
Yes, I do build model ships. It's been something that I have done for years but never really considered looking at it as a business, until we got involved in Linda's course. After determining that a few of the other things I wanted to do online were not viable, I went back to the module "Foundations" and started from scratch. The final choice of a business having to do with Model Ships. Actually, I'm still doing a lot of refining even within this choice. I don't have the paitence for ships in bottles though! Cause I can't figure out how to get my hands in the bottles! LOL It's okay to be nosey! LOL You never know unless you ask right? I build models that range anywhere from 2 feet to 6 feet or so in length. They range greatly in cost and can be anywhere from about $2500.00 - $35K or more in price depending on the size, complexity, detail required, research etc. My main target market includes model ship collectors and various marine museums. I haven't been offering my services through the website yet as I want to concentrate getting some content on there. That being said, I have landed a few nice orders simply because people were able to locate me through it. So....who says you have to push your product to get sales???? LOL It's all about building relationships! :-)
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Re: More Stuff!
9/2/2006 11:24:45 PM
Thanks Jenny. I have to admit though that most of that praise should really go to Linda Caroll. I only made some minor modifications to one of the templates she provides in her course. The rest is just content that I put together and principles of her course that I have applied. The best part for me? Because of her course this website is well orgainzed compared to any other I've done. I know where to find things now. LOL (Thanks Linda!)
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Re: Cheri, Winston, Deborah, Martha, Kathy... html/website unit
9/3/2006 4:10:54 PM
No one that has hired me has ever asked about XHTML versus HTML. It is a non-starter - it does not really matter. Until browsers demand XHTML your HTML pages will work perfectly fine. The likelihood of browsers not displaying HTML pages that were written 20 years ago is virtually zero today. My speculation is that HTML pages written today will be viewable by browsers 20 years from now.

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