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Flag of Winston Scoville

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More Stuff!
8/29/2006 9:26:51 PM
Hi Martha! Good to see that you are still plugging away at things. There's no end to the changes, is there? LOL I've been keeping busy myself. It's slow going but I'm actually seeing results. More so than any other site I've ever worked on. I must say, based on the work I've put into it so far, this site is the most successful plan I've ever worked with, so I would definitely have to give Linda a BIG THUMBS UP on this one. Just a quick note on visitors. I've doubled each previous months stats for the past four months by simply applying some of the basic principles Linda has taught us. The section on SEO is "PRICELESS". Let me say that again in case someone missed it "The section on SEO is PRICELESS". Also, I would suggest that anyone using WISYWIG programs to throw them in the garbage because that's what they are. Learn your HTML, it's very simple and easy. And that's coming from someone who was strictly a WISYWIG user for a number of years. I'm hoping for things to calm down here a bit as we have been so busy (actually filling orders for a change), so I can put some more time in on the website itself. I have few article stared and lots of input on suggestions for more.
Flag of Cheri Merz

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Re: More Stuff!
8/30/2006 12:13:23 AM
Hi, you two. Good to see that someone's still working on things. I set my personal project aside to build my real estate business, and am hoping to be working with Linda on the websites for it. Did get a chance to read through the SEO section, but haven't done the workbook yet. Will probably tackle it for the real estate before the personal one. That said, I have been putting out the newsletter and get a few signups each month. So when I get back to it, I hope I'll still have a little following. Haven't had much time to post or write anything new. On top of building the new business, looks like we'll be moving soon. We had planned to do it in a year or so, but events took over. Our daughter needs us to help her hang onto her house until her pre-payment penalty goes away, another year. If there's one thing that never changes at our house, it's that things are always changing. Hope everyone has had a good summer and looking forward to fall as much as I am. Cheri
Re: More Stuff!
8/30/2006 8:49:24 PM
Winston, I never got to see your site. What's the address? Martha
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: More Stuff!
8/31/2006 11:13:16 PM
Hello Linda, I want to know why you havent written a book,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Winston Scoville

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Re: More Stuff!
9/1/2006 10:44:34 PM
Hi Martha, It's Not a lot of content there yet but it's growing! :-)

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