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Re: Thank You Truth Seeker
6/30/2006 6:06:01 PM
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think it's about time to report back on "good ol'" MTT. I think most people who were potentially interested in it 'round here have been warned off or even scared off. If so, good. I can now DEFINITIVELY REPORT THAT MTT IS A SCAM, plain and simple. Period. End of story. That's it, in a summary statement. As I mentioned here before, I made the foolish mistake of ordering not one but two MTT packages well over 64 days now. I also was told by Mr. Wonderful (aka Simon) that I was included in a the special 50K program for one of my accounts (supposed to produce that amount of revenue by "diverting" all that wonderful MTT traffic to your site in a few short weeks). Well, suffice it to say, nothing -- and I do mean nothing, nada, zilch, zero -- has happened, other than Mr. Wonderful & Co. trying to hit me up for *more* money. MTT is truly remarkable in one area -- they've got big brass ones. Like good con men everywhere, they have chutzpah, that's for sure. Upselling the upsell. I should also add that my girlfriend also ordered two packages about the same time and well... let's just say that she isn't exactly rolling in dough from it either. Surprisingly, she still loves me, so I'll take the good with the bad. For those counting, that's FOUR MTT packages purchased almost three months ago now... and no results. Not a one. Gosh, perhaps the mistake I made was not getting in on the 600K per month franchise operation! All I needed to do was buy a bunch more promotion packages. Darn. I guess I blew it. What do you think...? Well, greed can get the best of us, so I recommend that everybody do plenty of due diligence before making the "MTT Mistake," as I put it, and by that I mean handing over your hard-earned green to any company that makes insane and to-good-to-be-true promises. Once again, MTT IS A SCAM. My best to all and sundry. Out, TruthSeeker
Re: Thank You Truth Seeker
7/1/2006 2:56:59 PM
You are a trailblazer Truth Seeker. These scammers are professional on every level albeit marketing, ad copy or web design. I wish these people will pay dearly for what they have done. Thank you again for bringing the truth out even though some people don't like it. Regards,
Re: Thank You Truth Seeker
7/1/2006 4:00:51 PM
Sorry TruthSeeker. MTT seem to have made millions again from the innocent not doing their due diligence. I thank you for your truthfulness adn even though you may have lost finacially you have gained a good lesson and hope you don't mind sharing in the future. Here at AdlandPro, we have some really great people and products. Even AdlandPro is a great affiliate program in itself. I personally do earn as an affiliate and it's quite easy actually. Best to you. Happy blogging. __________ Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Sponsor of the ABA Basketball 'Streetball' group "Nothing But Net Entertainment" New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine
Re: Thank You Truth Seeker
7/1/2006 10:23:46 PM
Dear Truth Seeker, Don't feel so bad. This was one of the most professionally done acts of fraud ever... Even people like yourself who believed them to be fraudulent were sucked in. I got a single client account myself and learned a lesson from it. There is NO substitute for due diligence... I also discovered the value of . This is a great free tool. Get the toolbar. Remember to rate the websites with it. This is an important line of defense against the scammers! And lastly, karma will get those scammers. Anyone who was burnt should report them to the US Dept. of Justice web site at Regards, Tom
Robin McLean

158 Posts
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Re: We May Have Another Scam On Our Hands ...
7/2/2006 5:41:41 PM
Hey, Kenneth: Thanks for the "heads up", and you're quite right... if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Miracles & Blessings, Robin
Yuwie - The Place for Fun,Friends,Earning $$$ Internet Marketing Ctr. (IMC) Marketing Leverage Systems Agent ID#: MLS2126

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