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Re: We May Have Another Scam On Our Hands ...
5/5/2006 11:20:26 AM
Greetings to all and sundry! This is my first post, so I hope I am not about to get off on the wrong foot, step on toes, upset, anger, annoy or in any way antagonize anyone. I'm here to suss out the truth (hense my moniker). Let me first say that I am an MTT affiliate/client who is using a pen-name because I have read that MTT has terminated the accounts of people who dare to ask too many questions or post "negative" comments on boards such as this one. I'm here because the more research I do on MTT, the shakier they look. I'm here because I really, honestly believe I got scammed and I'm trying to found out if I'm just being paranoid. Even though the thread on MTT may be hard to take and overwhelmingly negative, I highly recommend people take a look at that thread (links somewhere above in this thread, I believe). There are reasons it is so negative! Let's take perhaps the single most damning piece of evidence from that thread. According to research done by members, MTT has the exact same int'l bank account number as Now, I'm too new to the online business thing (though I've had websites for years), to know, but I understand that everybody agrees it was a massive scam. The above is just one small example from dozens. There are far too many indicators that MTT is a scam to list here. Indeed, most of them can be found enumerated (with supporting "evidence") at the above mentioned thread, so I won't reiterate them. My main reason for being here right now, under an assumed name, is to ask everybody one simple question: WHERE'S THE BEEF? MTT claims to have thousands of customers. They say they have made over 2 BILLION dollars for their clients in the last few years. They are saying they made 8.5 million from their 15% cut in the month of February alone! Tom, you say people are "doing well" with MTT. Well, what does that mean? I see you are heavily promoting MTT. Do you have concrete evidence of some kind to validate this statement? I just heard from an affiliate acquaintance that MTT is NOT going to pay him his commission check this month. Some malarky about him "not being in the United States." Well, he's in Australia, and last I checked "down under" is part of the larger British Commonwealth. It's as if I said I couldn't pay you for a month because we're in different states of the USA. Huh? What? This is the first concrete firsthand evidence, yay or nay, that I have seen. I realize this is now second hand to you, dear reader, but I'm trying to convince my new acquaintance to post. I think he's waiting until he knows absolutely "for sure" that he is screwed. Me? I'm 99.5% sure he's screwed. And that's the way I feel about MTT now. To all affiliates and clients, we are 99.5% certain screwed! I wish I was wrong. I hope I will be proved wrong. But I'm pretty darn sure I'm right. Think about this. How come, in the vast sea that is the Internet, not ONE person has come forward with verifiable proof that they have "had success" with MTT? I've searched (as have others) for posts, blogs, etc. to no avail (though there are *plenty* out there hyping MTT). MTT says they have been in business for quite a number of years now – first as CommissionHQ, supposedly, though that URL was first registered only a few years ago and has never had any significant traffic to speak of, according to How come there are none, zero, no postings by anyone, anywhere touting how great they are? You would expect, if nothing else, that affiliates making money signing people up would be positively SHOUTING about how great MTT is so as to get more signups! But there is not a single one. Some would say that those who have had success have no incentive to crow about it. Come on! This argument is specious on many fronts (one of example of why is above). Not least of which is the simple old saw, but true, that people talk. And to those who would say that this very statement is proof that MTT has done what they've said, I would submit this: the real MTT (not the one they lie... er, hype about) has only been "up and running" for a few months now. Those of us who foolishly "bought in" are the guinea pigs in this short con. To mix metaphors badly, the chickens are just about to come home to roost. In my opinion, the MTT scammers will be in the Carribean or Eastern Europe about the time all of our sites are about to "go live." Even if money/privacy is the issue, there are other ways to "prove" MTT does what it says it does. The "proof" consists of nothing more than a website that was doing little traffic before MTT and is now showing oceans of traffic after (via, of course). Heck, according to, MTT's own site didn't start to get significant traffic until about a month or so ago. And not to beat a dead horse, but if they are so super successful, why is it that their own business didn't seem to be doing anything until very recently? Again, according to Alexa, they didn't seem to even have an active website until November/December of last year. How is it that they are making millions for clients but had not one but two "dead" websites less than a year ago? Further, if they are making so much money, why is it they can't afford a real phone or real customer support personnel? $8.5 buys a lot of staff. Nobody I know has ever reached them on Skype. They claim to have 45 webmasters. How come nobody has ever heard of anyone other than the mysterious and illusive "Simon Baxter" and his erstwhile assistant Jean? Why are they operating out of a mail drop? 45 WMs and support staff would require a real building. Heck, most super-successful companies I'm familiar with are *proud* to show off their facilities. I don't know of too many super-successful companies that are this hard to get ahold of and even more difficult to find. I could go on. Once again, the crux of this post is simple... WHERE'S THE BEEF? I look forward to hearing from any and all. But if you're going to defend MTT, I would really like to see something concrete. Show me the massive traffic boost to your site via Alexa. Show me a PayPal deposit or copy of a check written to MTT for your 15% cut. Show me something. I really feel at this point in time that all the MTT champions need to put up or shut up. In any event, in less than a month, the website I paid to promote will "go live" and I'm going to report on exactly what has happened. Frankly, I expect to report on what HAS NOT happened. If, by some miracle, MTT actually *does* do what they promise, I will report on that too. My feeling at this point is that MTT is a massive scam that will be "outed" here very shortly. I am not the only person who's been patiently waiting the 68 days for all that glorious paying traffic to start. Some are ahead of me. And I've been in contact with a number of them. Again, in summation, all you MTT promoters out there -- WHERE'S THE BEEF?!?!? Thanks.
Re: We May Have Another Scam On Our Hands ...
5/5/2006 3:38:47 PM
Hello Truth Seeker and welcome to AdlandPro. Don't worry about rocking any boats. We all here are always out for the truth and yeah a few feathers get ruffled but we are, I feel, the BEST COMMUNITY of marketers and advertisers out there. There are so many friendships here and honest opinions are regarded highly. Thank you for joining AdlandPro and posting in this topic with your information. __________ Some success blogs: Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine
Thank You Truth Seeker
5/5/2006 6:35:23 PM
Hello Truth Seeker ! I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your candidness, by coming out here telling us from your own perspective. It takes alot of guts from someone like you to admit that MTT might not deliver what it promised. If there's anyone else out there who believes that MTT is NOT what it's cracked up to be, you can do a great public service by warning others about this program. Let everybody know !! Truth Seeker, thanks again for your excellent post.
Re: Thank You Truth Seeker
5/6/2006 2:16:50 PM
Kenneth and Paul, thanks for the very kind words and the warm reception. I really appreciate it! :-) For me, it doesn't take guts to admit I blundered. Heck, I do it all the time... Seriously, what amazes me is the number of people who just sit quietly by because they're afraid of being labeled "stupid" or "wrong." It's a shame. We are all mortal, we all make mistakes, and we've all been taken. Each and every one of us, at some time in our lives, has gotten skunked. Whether it's a lying business associate or a deceitful "friend" or an online scam, or something else. So, while it hurts I don't have any qualms about saying "me dumb-dumb" (to quote the inestimable and sorely missed Chick Hearn). Con artists and scamsters count on the fact that most people will not come forward out of fear of being labeled an idiot. Embarrassment makes us hide our faces, and foolish pride goeth before the fall... I encourage all the MTT victims out there to come forward, vent their rage and do something constructive. When I get proof positive that MTT is the scam I think it is (note that I still hold out a wafer-thin 1% hope that MTT might be for real...), I will be providing full documentation to the London fraud squad. I also have a few acquaintances in England now (other MTT victims), so this should make doing so not only easier but more effective. Are you listening Simon Baxter? Your time is just about up, and payback is a M-F. In life, you reap what you sow. What goes around comes around, and the bad karma from Monopolizer and MTT and who-knows-what-else is going catch up with Mr. Baxter et al. Enjoy your ill-got gains while you can, Simon! I see now that my post has a few rather glaring typos. This happens when one writes an impassioned screed. Well, it happens to me me, anyway! Thanks for being indulgent. I don't see a way to edit the post so we'll have to live with a few bugaboos, I guess... Now that I'm done with the preamble, I wanted to post a quick follow up. I just heard back from my friend on the commission he is owed by MTT. He has still not gotten paid (surprise, surprise!). I think he is currently playing "email tag" to no avail. Note that I didn't say phone tag. Phone tag requires both parties to have functioning telephones. I don't think I need to explain which party in this exchange does not... Here's the important skinny. On page 4 of the MTT affiliate help topics I found something of interest. Apparently, MTT is already getting complaints from affiliates (and probably customers) and are attempting to buy themselves a little time. That's my read, anyway. The subject line: "Does MTT ever pay commission late? Added 24th APRIL 2006." The response (and what a laugher it is...): "It's an impossibility! If you hear of anyone getting a late payment then tell them to contact us as it is impossible. When you or your clients place an order and pay that is when the countdown begins. Our payment systems are fully automated so it is impossible, Y€$ impossible to pay late! If you think you are being paid late, sorry you are wrong. ---------------------------------------------------- Terms of payment of MTTaffiliate+commission ---------------------------------------------------- Definition of 30 days: Your client pays for order on 27th April 2006. MTT calculates 30 days after 30th April 2006 and pays you. Prior to payment on the 30th day you will receive an email with a link to a private electronic statement asking you to confirm your details and amount due and where you would like us to send your MTTaffiliate+commission. Complete this online and submit it back to us. Payment is made via your chosen method on the 30th day exactly. Make sure you white list our email address of You will be able to choose to receive your MTTaffiliate+commission by one of the following methods: PayPal E-Gold Bank Transfer (costs £30GBP) Check/Cheque in post Cheque personal collection from us (UK residents only) Check/Cheque by FEDEX (costs £30GBP) Please nominate your chosen payment mode on the online commission statement. Do not email regarding this right now." Look at the arrogance. "If you think you are being paid late, sorry you are wrong." Huh? What? If I'm getting paid late, the last thing I want to hear from the company that is not honoring their commitments to me is that I'm "wrong' for "thinking" so. How dare they? Actually, of course they dare. They're running a massive scam and they're hoping to buy a few more weeks before it all comes crashing down. If I were devious, I might suggest that all of us deluge their not-publicly-posted email address ( with messages asking how it is that with such a high-tech fully automated system people ARE NOT getting paid? After all, "it's an impossibility." ;-) That's it for now. I hope everybody is prospering, happy and staying the hell away from MTT!!!
Re: Thank You Truth Seeker
5/6/2006 5:00:24 PM
Hi Truth Seeker, I will mention what really stuck out at me. It's not all the arrogance and other fluff. Just this. "Our payment systems are fully automated so it is impossible, Y€$ impossible to pay late! If you think you are being paid late, sorry you are wrong." "You will be able to choose to receive your MTTaffiliate+commission by one of the following methods: PayPal E-Gold Bank Transfer (costs £30GBP) Check/Cheque in post Cheque personal collection from us (UK residents only) Check/Cheque by FEDEX (costs £30GBP)" If a server goes down or a DNS is carried out of thier system they will be late for sure. Postal system and FedEx - dependent on outside source and hope they deliver on time. Bank transfers and FedEx are costly and will deter anyone from using. Now I look at this part as well. "Definition of 30 days: Your client pays for order on 27th April 2006. MTT calculates 30 days after 30th April 2006 and pays you. Prior to payment on the 30th day you will receive an email with a link to a private electronic statement asking you to confirm your details and amount due and where you would like us to send your MTTaffiliate+commission. Complete this online and submit it back to us. Payment is made via your chosen method on the 30th day exactly." Sorry to not understand new math here. I do the math and come up with 33 days. As for the arrogance of tone - Someone that doesn't have business savvy or is poor at customer service. Since they do offer 'Cheque personal collection from us (UK residents only)' I would ask any UK resident to try just that. Let's see how it goes. __________ Some success blogs: Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine

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