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Steven Workman

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Re: U.S.A. Military
4/21/2006 6:30:25 PM
A big thanks to Roy for reminding people that Freedom isn`t Free Nam..1969/1970
Deborah Skovron

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Re: U.S.A. Military
4/21/2006 6:39:52 PM
Hi Linda, Thank you. To all the veterans young and old who have stepped up to the plate and been America's heros. Words can never express my gratitude to you all. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Karen Earll

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Re: U.S.A. Military
4/21/2006 6:46:25 PM
Hello Craftie, Thanks for this forum. We can't forget.
Karen Earll Skype ID kdearll $7 Miracle Matrix Bring Your Buddy Having Fun. Helping Friends. Creating Wealth. Reaching Dreams. Watkins Summit Group
Leon Horton

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Re: U.S.A. Military
4/22/2006 12:02:39 AM
Hi Linda, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you and a hand across the sea to you and Paul for recognizing the sacrifices that ALL... (not just the U.S.A.) have made in the fight for freedom world-wide. I remember coming home from Vietnam in the days when there was such a distaste for that conflict. I never received a thank-you, but I did receive some remarks of how disgusted I made people feel because I was a part of that war. I only followed my orders to go. I did not cause the war nor does any soldier. So, please let your heart guide you when you encounter a soldier. I saw a soldier the other day at Shoney's with his family. My heart sank when I saw those four children and his wife, knowing what they had to go through by his having to be away at times. I asked the waitress to let me have the check so he would not have to pay for the meal. I went to their table and told him and his wife, "Thank you for your service to our country." His eyes welled up with tears and I shook his hand and left. I cried too when I got into the car to leave. Those were tears of pride and I will do it again if I get the chance. Thank you again for bringing this to us. I only hope that this will bring people together and keep soldiers held in high esteem. Peace, Leon
Moyn Keim

102 Posts
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Re: U.S.A. Military
4/22/2006 12:17:53 PM
Hi What can I say? The stories are so touching they brought tears to my eyes. We must never take our freedom for granted. I am so grateful for the brave military and the veterans who have sacrificed so much. God bless them all.
Moyn Keim Skype: moyn.keim 1.785.342.7108

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