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Don't Shoot Me!
4/10/2006 5:56:11 PM
Hello Everyone, If you ever wanted to know about my marketing John says it all in this article. ------------------------ This article might get me shot, but I have to get this off my chest. The longer I observe the Internet and online marketers, the clearer the picture gets. The reason there's such a high failure rate is only a handful of business owners are working from a realistic viewpoint. The vast majority that end up failing, would rather believe the hype and hoopla and question reality. The successful on the other hand question the hype and hoopla and strive to stick to what's real. Some of the emails I receive make me wonder if the sender is talking marketing or physics. They ask about this factor and that factor. Smack my wrist and call me shorty, I have no idea what they're talking about. I tell them straight out I don't know. I guess that shows them how dumb I am because they usually don't email again. I'm going to let you in on a secret, I'm mad that I'm not dumb enough. I'm not here to be a genius, or put on a front. I'm here to be a happy idiot and make money. I have a simple system. If something works, keep doing it. If something doesn't work, give it the heave ho. If 1,000 experts told me about some super money making secret and it doesn't work for me, it gets kicked to the curb. If the same 1,000 told me something doesn't work and it's working for me, I'll do more of it. What's real is what works for you. Stop following the followers and start learning what works for you. -----by John Colanzi Would like to know why your here? Thanks Leanne Busby Put yourself on my Map
Linda Harvey

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Re: Don't Shoot Me!
4/10/2006 6:03:34 PM
Ha, ha! Thanks LEANNE ! I am so tired of the hype ! I think most of us would be happy to be making $500 to 1000 in cash profit a month off our business struggles. And yes do what works! I know I am always looking for an easier way ..... but it comes down to contacting 1000s of potential customers and recruits a week.... to find one good one. Linda
Scott Reynolds

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Re: Don't Shoot Me!
4/10/2006 6:28:28 PM
Leanne, Whats the matter with you? Posting something that actualy makes sense! Hehehehe I do wonder why so many chase the hype even after they have tried a Hype company and it got them no where. I supose someone has to!
John Stowell

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Re: Don't Shoot Me!
4/10/2006 6:35:30 PM
Hi Leanne, Thats a good one for newbies. A question though, how long do you give a site to see if it works? General feedback would be interesting. Keep up the good work Leanne. Regards, John.
Sheryl Loch

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Re: Don't Shoot Me!
4/10/2006 6:59:11 PM
Hi All, I would think that by the time someone is old enough to have an internet business they would know this. But then again so many people fall pray to scams. This is a special offer for everyone that does not take the time to read Leannes artical--- I have some ocean front property here in Las Vegas. This is a peice of prime property! It is not available for showing but just send me the payment and I will send you the paper work. Have a great day, Sheryl

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