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Kay Butler

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Re: A Daily Spiritual Practice
4/7/2006 12:36:52 AM
Hi, Linda: Thanks very much for your wonderful topic- Spiritual practices! Like you, now I am focusing on the Holosync music meditations, for at least an hour each day. Sometimes I just about fall asleep,or feel interesting vibrations/twitches. It is a calm, quiet time for me and Whiskers and/or Frisky, my two cats. They love my lap! lol I pray with Gratitude before breakfast (at least)and sometimes before other meals, for all blessings. I use Angelic Messenger Cards for divine/practical guidance. I repeat out loud an "Unexpected Income Prayer" twice daily, and say positive affirmations. Nick,that is such a beautiful gave me goose bumps! lol Thank You! It can relate to anyone/everyone! Take care and may God Bless!
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Linda Miller

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Re: A Daily Spiritual Practice
4/7/2006 9:49:03 AM
Hi Kay, I am so glad you are enjoying the meditation, practicing gratitude, your angel cards and the Unexpected Income Prayer. I anyone reading this wants to try the meditation Kay and I are using to learn to meditate instantly, you can get a free CD here: Congratulations Kay!! You have yourself a great spiritual practice - and only good and better things can come from it! Woooo hooooooooo!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Linda Miller

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Re: A Daily Spiritual Practice
4/7/2006 9:53:50 AM
Hello Nick, Well, now I've had my cry for this morning. Thank you so much for this lovely poem. I am saving it and I will share it with my family and add it to Brian's memorial website here: Blessings to you my friend!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Nick Sym

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Re: A Daily Spiritual Practice
4/7/2006 5:40:40 PM
Hi Linda! I am so very happy to have done this for you. It is worth the time and effort to make a friend happy. Thank you for the opportunity to do this for you.
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: A Daily Spiritual Practice
4/7/2006 10:38:19 PM
Hey Nick, YOU said: "I saw things while I was unconcious that most people would not believe." Been There, Done That! ONLY, I not only KNOW what causes it, I KNOW how to repeat it. ANY person can have a "Near Death" experience anytime they want to by simply reducing the amount of oxygen getting to the brain by a sufficent amount. JUST SLEEPING, I have had at least two Dreams (and who knows how many more) which were SO REAL, I would have testified in a court of law they actually happened. I would have BET MY LIFE they were TRUE. And, they WERE NOT! One of them, I BELIEVED for YEARS before finding out it was ONLY a dream. So, unless at least two reputable people, apart from each other, relay the EXACT same story, I would say anything weird was most probablly (like 99.9%) a DREAM! Have I dreamed about other things I may now believe are real? I have no clue if I have or not. I do know I have documation proving I did many things and shared experiences with others and so those things are not in question. My point is, people should not be so ready to believe everything they think has happened to them, REALLY happened. And last, I know from talking to others, that having dreams which were so real they believed they actually happend, is not that unusual.
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