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Danny Mills

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Re: Multiple Income Streams - Pros and Cons?
3/30/2006 9:55:55 PM
Hi Linda, I agree with you when it come to earning incomes with a number of different opportunities, and I believe in making sure the company is indeed stable but then again I also believe that we call to us the very opportunities we should invest in. In most cases I suggest taking a while to really contemplate the opportunite and see how offten it keeps coming back to your thoughts. When we open the door to opportunity by calling our desire to come to us it may not always come in the form we expect it to. It could be a questionable opportunity that just gives us a gut hunch feeling that tells us we should run with it. Many have made small fortunes in what were considered questionable opportunities. If we allow thoughts that block our desires from coming to us then they will not come. There is no such thing as a company that has all of it's i's dotted and t's crossed. Dan Mills
Re: Multiple Income Streams - Pros and Cons?
3/30/2006 9:58:18 PM
Linda, Multipule, streams of income is good as long as you don't have so many eggs in your basket the many will become rotten! Have a major business! Do you need leads? Have a program that will provide the leads, with a follow up system, training, and will provide an income or a means of obtaing the service for free. Do you need a 24/7 LD service, repeate the process above. What about advertising? Did you know that you can also earn money with Adland? Limit your income producing activites to those that will produce income or reduce operating cost.
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Linda Miller

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Re: Multiple Income Streams - Pros and Cons?
3/30/2006 9:58:35 PM
Hi Cheri, Thanks for the chuckle! I certainly agree about keeping all the eggs in one marriage basket... lol. An affirmation that really helps me to keep my ducks in a row is... "It is my intention to easily and effortlessly eliminate activities, beliefs and people who no longer serve my purpose and the greater good." When I keep that in mind, it is really easy to determine what should stay and what should go. Thanks again for the marriage chuckle!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Multiple Income Streams - Pros and Cons?
3/30/2006 10:14:37 PM
Hi Linda! I'm in the same camp as Linda O. My primary business does very well, but is very labor intensive. I don't want to do that forever, so I'm building multiple streams of residual income. I started my second business a while ago. It's going smoothly and growing steadily. Now I'm building the next one. I'm 100% in favor of multiple streams of income - but even in saying that, I think managing them well is important because multiple streams of nothing add up to nothing. lol That means improving time management and prioritization skills with each additional stream. To me, that's a good thing, too. Business growth and personal growth are synonamous. I seldom see people achieve one without the other. The one skill I need to work on is effective networking to find the right people to grow with - not just any people, but the right people. (ie; people that aren't stuck in negative loop behaviours and patterns) : ) Linda Linda, I'd love to hear some of those "lots of other thoughts..." that you have.
Re: Multiple Income Streams - Pros and Cons?
3/30/2006 10:22:26 PM
Hi Linda, I agree with the use of multiple streams of income to maximize your security as well as your income... Then, if one stream dries up the integrity of your business portfolio is not compromised. You will not notice the drop in your income so suddenly and you can replace the income stream more easily. Much less stressful too. The only "downside" of multiple income streams is that of advertising. Those who know me and my ads know I'm a specialist in multiple streams. I have more than one site which promotes multiple streams. You can go to my signature and see what I mean. This one site consolidates everything in one place so I don't have to advertise more than one url. Hope this helps... Your friend, Tom Marguccio

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