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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

1089 Posts
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Re: What turns you off enough to make you leave a website?
3/15/2006 11:13:57 PM
What makes me leave? Promises of a free sign-up but after that, nothin's free. Turn off? Obvious signs of a ponzy scam. What screams scam...? No products with any integrity, only promises of huge income and must do it right away or deadlines that end in minutes or hours. What is just frustrating? Anything that's worth-while is worth the time to figure it out. That's what I found with my web site. Some of the links should be labled differently, but if somone asks me how to find their way quickly & efficiently, I'll be glad to help them navigate through the site. Examples might be the links: "Amsoil Online Store" and "Shop Online" the both look and function the same. "Contact Us", page offers the option of sending an inquiry or using the links that submit your choice of options; the quickest & most efficent way to get want you want. I'll conclude with that, please don't take this post as an ad.
Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: What turns you off enough to make you leave a website?
3/16/2006 3:35:47 AM
Hi Linda, WARNING Rant follows: =================== "What do you mean by jump through hoops? Examples?" =================== Darn! I had a perfect example of this just a few days ago but I purged all the emails and now I haven't got the links. You would have loved this - NOT! What I mean by "jumping through hoops" is that you are treated like one of those little performing show dogs. "Nice doggie. Jump through one more hoop and you can have your doggie bikkie. Good boy. Now one more hoop." OK. Explanation... I got this email from one of the usual suspects. From memory I think it was Yishtek Goldberger (fiddle with that and you'll know who I mean). He was promising an ebook full of web marketing "secrets" worth $97 FREE! Well I take free to mean free. Not so with Yishtek it would seem. After I read an amazingly long email, that promised to change my weblife forever I was directed to a website. Incidentally the email was sprinkled with not $97, not $67, not $47, not $19.95 on the way through. Eventually it ended with me being offered this so-called $97 report for zilch. (Key words : so-called. Remember that.) So, I thought OK, I'll go along. Well, go along I did. First up I had to confirm my name and email address. Don't know why because Yishtek already had all that even though I had previously unsubscribed from him several times before. But I did it. That prompted another email where I was directed to the actual website where I thought I could download the FREE (remember?) e-book full of all the amazing secrets. The website was one of those that Linda describes with a miniature load bar at the right hand side. That ticked me off because I knew that I would have to skim through what was the equivalent of about twenty pages of BS. Most of it appeared to be an expansion of the long-winded email. You guessed it... There were bullets, cross-outs, yellow highlighter, ticks in boxes, blah, blah - all the marketing crap that these bozos find so wonderful. Anyway, it was so long and so full of BS testiclemonials that I only read a few little bits and skimmed the rest. Pure twaddle. Now remember, this was supposed to be free. So I skim to the bottom of an extraordinarily long page - a bit like a toilet roll (and about as interesting) - and I get to the PPPPPS. I skim all the way back through PPPPS, PPPS, PPS and PS to this guy's boofy looking signature and what do I find? The so-called FREE e-book was free for 14 days (or whatever - I forget the details). After that they wanted to charge my credit card with some amount. I forget that too. Out of interest just to see how scamful and deceitful all this was I followed the link to the credit card entry page. After that I just clicked away disgusted. This was so FALSE. It made me just harden my stance even more against this guy. I'm just waiting to receive his next piece of TRASH coz when I do I'm gonna UNSUBSCRIBE with a message. You see I think that basically, this guy (along with about twenty or more "associates") is a schemer and a scammer. He offers something them via massive numbers of pages of HYPE he turns it all around to something else (to his advantage). I'm sick of his braggart "bazillion dollar lifestyle," his yacht trips, his holidays at tropical resort islands, his jet-setting, his "brilliant-mind" marketeer associates, his new baby and everything else about him. That's what I mean about hoops. Basically it falls under the category of blatant dishonesty. Rant over! Gary PS: I'm not happy with this guy (just in case you missed it).
Re: What turns you off enough to make you leave a website?
3/16/2006 6:22:44 AM
Wow! I have a few. Music blaring. If I want your music I will turn it on. Black backgrounds with text I can't read that also gives me eye strain. Banners all over. Especially the flashing ones. Even if there are just a couple flashing I will leave unless it is a site I really wanted to visit. Then I just have to try not to look at them. Too much on the page. Some sites are so overloaded that I can't even think and they actually make me feel so overwhelmed that I just leave. Then there are the sales letters. I just want the facts please. Martha
Re: What turns you off enough to make you leave a website?
3/16/2006 8:06:37 AM
Linda, I get flusterated with a web site that has clicks that don't work. Website with any sexual content. Website that is hard to maniuplate. that is the reason I have made my site so easy to manipulate. If you are interested in saving money on gas purchase. click on bioperformance. If you want money back for purchases, click on Betteruniverse, if you want to build you a new home and get more house for the money, click on customsuperhomes. I have a menu of other sites that are clickable and they all work. Check it out and let me know your opinion. is the site Ralph Coppley
Re: What turns you off enough to make you leave a website?
3/16/2006 9:00:10 AM
Hi Linda, For me it is ads first before you hit to the page. I hate flyin, pop up. follow me down the page ads. If I come on a page that has a dark back ground and light text and I am gone. If it hurts the eyes, I don't care what the site offers I will never read it. My bigest one now though is the payment source, seeing how I can no longer use Pay Pal or Storm Pay. Many site still only offer these two payment processors. Most web masters seems to be in the cave and not know what theses to companys has done in the last 30 days. I see this as the biggest problem web masters now face.Including my self. Believe me I have checked with many other processors and yet to find one that will work. At least if you plan on paying members for referals or use recuring payments. Thus most sites are loosing many sales. This brings me to the final point I will make here. Either no contact info on the site, or no reply from the admin when you do send a question. There are two sites I joined because I wanted or needed the tools or service. After joining the only way offered to buy or up grade is SP or PP. I sent request for different payment opps. But I get no reply. I hope every web master looks at these things and makes some changes. Like mailing address,a Phone # would be a real plus. As for me and the payment processors I done with them aty least as much as I can be.I still have to make payments though some of them to hosting companies. But recieving payments I am retooling to do all that off line. Back to snail mail, Fed Ex, Ups ground, ceridfied checks, and Money Orders. I know people like to use Credit cards on line. But for those that don't know this is very expencive for the site to get the gateway and use this process. Most small site can not afford to do this. Also if you are going to do alot of volume or amounts paid many credit card companys are now not wanting to do business with such companies. The Travel Company I am with is a great example. They now have 10,000 members each has paid 250.00 one time cost and 40.00 a month. You do the math. But the point is Visa and master card has told them that they cant handle that kind of volume. What it really is, Is Visa and Master card is scard of charge backs and the Feds cracking down of everyone that is moving money around the country and world. I think as web masters, site owners we really are in need of steping back and taking a look at how we are doing business. Have a great day! Johnny

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