Hi Cheri;
To organize priorities, decided to divvy them up into sections, Business, Home, Health, Money, General and take one task from each section daily. There are actually three business sections, one each for my three major areas of income generation.
Here's the dilemma. Some of the business tasks are multi-day or multi-week projects even if I chunk them down. How to get to important tasks in other sections, while staying true to the concept?
Well - this is just me... but the first thing I'd do is create two groups "work" and "personal" so you can take care of each in it's own time.
If you took one task each from Business, Home, Health, Money, General, you'd find that your business tasks are only getting 1/5th of your time.
I'm very familiar with the concept of multi-day and multi-week tasks. If I'm juggling 4 website design jobs, there's no way any one of them is going to get done in a day. lol
Here's what I do.
First, I have a master list of "longer" jobs,
broken down into parts. For example, it might say something like this:
Cheri's site:
-- Main page
-- Contact page
-- install rotation script
-- etc
Jen's site:
-- Set up cart
-- Main page
-- etc
I'll have a few of those.
Tomorrow's list might contain one or two elements from each of the ongoing jobs. When I cross it off the short list, I also cross it off the long list.
Then, when I make tomorrow's list, I look at the long list to see what has priority.
I actually keep 2 "longer" lists.
-- one for client projects
-- one for my projects
When I make my daily 6 list, I look at my long lists to create the short list.
: )