You hit my pet peeve button, too. One of the best resources available is your local Toastmasters club. Though it's meant for public speaking, the principles work for public writing as well.
Probably my worst offence in this area is run-on sentences. I've become much more aware of them since joining Toastmasters. It's a supportive environment where you can be guided in a friendly way to avoid the lazy colloquial speech that abounds here in the US--and apparently abroad.
Another pet peeve of mine is improper use of the possesive apostrophe when forming a plural. I used to pass a sign on my way to work that said Elegant Lamp's. It caused me to grit my teeth and be in a bad mood for half an hour. Eventually I actually changed routes to avoid seeing it.
One more, and then I'm done. Would everyone please look at the bottom of the forum editor and notice the Preview button? Using that will help you avoid words that run together, lines that end prematurely, and all sorts of other gaffes that make posts difficult to read. Only takes a second.
Thanks, Dave...you've raised the bar.
P.S. I knew what snarky meant, too, but I didn't know why until I read Kate's post. She provides that kind of detail in her Word of the Day forum, too. I highly recommend it for vocabulary building.