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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/8/2006 5:55:38 PM
I think that we should perhaps consider Linda's forum a DMZ. This ensures that there will be no need for Kevlar by anyone, well almost anyone. There is one litte twirp that even I would like to let loose on, but I refrain as he really isn't worth the time or effort. Not that it would take much.
Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/8/2006 5:57:08 PM
Hi David; =========================================== Mind you with 2 Daves here who is talking about whom? =========================================== Make that three. lol. We have Dave Cottrell, whose posts everyone should read at least twice. We have you - and David Black pops by once in a while, too. So... Dave, David and the other David. Of course, I'm a fine one to speak... especially when Linda Miller posts and my posts say To Linda - from Linda. Heh. Now Cheri, she's lucky. Winston, too. Their names are much less common. : ) Linda P.S. And you're right about the power of the pen. Most people don't stop to think that what they type affects how others might perceive them.
Gary Simpson

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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/8/2006 6:54:39 PM
Howdy Peter, ==================== "I think that we should perhaps consider Linda's forum a DMZ. This ensures that there will be no need for Kevlar by anyone, well almost anyone. There is one litte twirp that even I would like to let loose on, but I refrain as he really isn't worth the time or effort. Not that it would take much." ===================== Deep down I think most people like to witness a good stoush - especially if the combatants are evenly matched. That is why boxing pulls such massive crowds. Then we have gridiron, ice hockey, rugby - all heavy contact - all watched by millions. "Twirp" - that is an interesting if not humorous word. Sometimes twirps feign illnesses and injuries just to avoid conflict - or to get sympathy, especially when they are conning people. I have seen that many times in the past. Personally, I always think it is better to stand up and be counted - even when there are missiles flying all over the place. You will never see me in the DMZ. Hence, my occasional kevlar helmet, flak jacket etc. Hey Winston, you're a stirrer. You chucked out the bait, again. Gulp! Gary Simpson
Bob Needham

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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/9/2006 11:01:33 AM
_______________________________________ There is one litte twirp that even I would like to let loose on, but I refrain as he really isn't worth the time or effort. Not that it would take much." _______________________________________ I am so curious who this one twirp is? Give us a hint Peter, o.k tell me this, is it a Dr. Twirp? Oh and Gary, you're priceless, don't be shy, tell us how you really feel. ------------------------------------------ The reason these twits keep pounding us mercilessly with their rampant garbage is because it is easy just to send out a mass email. It's lazy. No thought needs to go into it. Could you imagine any of these emailers talking that trash to somebody's face? It's impersonal, virtually anonymous. Gutless even. I'm thoroughly sick of the lot of them. ------------------------------------------- Priceless! Bob
Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/9/2006 12:49:00 PM
Hi Bob, The truth is, no it is not a Dr. Twrip. Just an ordinary Twrip and letting people believe otherwise does not make it so.