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Deborah Skovron

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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/7/2006 9:56:03 PM
Hi Linda, I have been listening to this discussion, and I am so glad that I did. I have always wondered why seemingly intelligent people think these make money schemes are going to work. But I also felt an obligation to at least answer their posts out of common courtesy. Just to say thank you for thinking of me. Correct me if I am wrong, but does this mean that I don't have to answer back to these posts, just to be polite? I really don't want to hurt anyones feelings, but some days they really get out of control. Thank you for listening. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Gary Simpson

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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/7/2006 10:53:17 PM
Hi Deborah, I hope you don't mind me saying this because you seem very kind. Answering such tripe, even out of courtesy, will just encourage more of it. Frankly, I don't know how you manage to do it. Best Wishes Gary Simpson
Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/7/2006 11:51:07 PM
Hi Deborah; ========================================= does this mean that I don't have to answer back to these posts, just to be polite? I really don't want to hurt anyones feelings, but some days they really get out of control. ========================================= I just delete them. I really don't think you'd hurt anyone's feelings. They're really not looking for polite replies anyway. They're just looking for signups. Think of it this way. When we look through the classified ads in the newspaper, we don't feel compelled to call each person and tell them we're not interested in what they offer, but thanks for posting the ad. That probably sounds really goofy, and maybe even laughable... but it's the same thing. The only difference is that at Adland, people use "direct contact" (email), private messages and forums to get eyeballs to their ads. If you're not interested, you don't owe a reply. The only reply they're really looking for is a signup anyway. So, deleting saves time for both you and them and there is nothing impolite about it. Most of us just delete what we're not interested in. : ) Linda
Winston Scoville

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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/8/2006 6:43:33 AM
Well I have to say, I must be starting to do something right in dealing with these people and word must be getting around because I don't get even a fraction of the emails I used to get. I've gone from about 40-50 emails a day down to about 2-3. If I figure out what it is I'm doing I'll let you all know! :-)
Gary Simpson

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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/8/2006 7:51:02 AM
Hey Winston, Maybe it's the new image. When you figure it out tell us. I have started blocking the real serial pests at Adland. I send them a message telling them that I am blocking them because of the massive number of emails that they send me - all of which I find boring. Hopefully that will make them think and maybe, just maybe, they will ameliorate their ways. Gary Simpson

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