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Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/9/2006 6:21:03 PM
Peter, Would that be a Doctor who will do little to help? In the end, some of the team will pay a king's ransom. The adventure continues... Gary Simpson
Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/9/2006 6:39:44 PM
Hi David, =============== Case 1 a member threatened me becasue I removed her from my friends list, therefore casuing her to appear in my blocked list. She writes and threatens me, I quote "take my off your blocked list I have a lot of friends here" I wont say the rest. =============== WHAT? Gee. It just shows how pathetic and insecure some people are. As for this bit: =============== "I have a lot of friends here." =============== What a load of piffle! Loose acquaintances would be more apt. Substitute that into the wording and you will see the "threat" for what it really is. "I have a lot of loose acquaintances here." See how dopey it really is. Don't worry about it David. People who resort to hollow threats like this aren't worth a boogey. Best Wishes Gary Simpson
Winston Scoville

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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/9/2006 6:59:38 PM
========================================= Wearing my heart on my sleeve has got me into a lot of trouble in the past. No doubt it will in the future too. ========================================= Maybe so, but at least there's no mystery! LOL
Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/9/2006 7:06:01 PM
In the words of a great and well know scholar "What me Worry" Alfred E. Newman
Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: Some People Are Like Vultures, Every Newbie is a *Friend*
3/9/2006 7:21:33 PM
Yo Winston, ============== "Maybe so, but at least there's no mystery! LOL. ============== I'm just glad I wasn't a Jew living through the Nazi holocaust. On so many occasions I can be my own worst enemy. Part of the reason that I have studied martial arts for more than 30 years is the fact that I can't keep my mouth shut when I see something wrong or somebody being victimised. Regards Gary Simpson. PS: By the way, do you like my new pic? I'm following your lead Winston - except - I have crossed over to the "dark side." May the force be the force. LOL.