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Re: The two whiners in the room....
2/18/2006 12:14:26 AM
Hi Cheri; ============================================ What I think would be interesting is to time how long it takes for two negative thinkers to infect the other 98 or vice versa. Of course it would only be valid if the people were actually negative or positive, not just acting that way because they were told to. ============================================ I agree completely. That study I'd love to read about. From what I've seen about human behaviour, the negative infects the positive most frequently, rather than the other way around. Unless, of course, the positive people gather together and cheerfully toss the negative ones out of the room. lol ============================================ Once I understood the principle you're talking about, I stopped watching the news, reading the daily newspapers, reading crime novels or associating with people I've never known to be positive. It's amazing how much better my life has become. Of course I'm uninformed about current events.... ============================================ lol. You and me both. I don't watch tv either. Well - except American Idol. lol. I started watching last season when I did a website for one of the contestants and enjoyed it. But that's the only time I'm in front of the proverbial boob tube. lol I don't subscribe to hype-ish newsletters, either. I never want to sound like a used car salesman that found the internet.(My apologies to any used car salesmen that don't sound desperate or pushy or both) I read an interesting little tip somewhere. It said if you don't want to end up BEING like someone, don't sleep with them, don't read their writing, don't listen to their opinions and don't ask for their advice. Made perfect sense. So, of course, I had to get divorced. LOL. (twisted humor alert)
Re: The two whiners in the room....
2/18/2006 8:19:52 AM
Whew! When I read the title of the thread I thought I'd better get here quick and make sure I wasn't one of the whiners. I want to be one of the winners so I better keep out all those negative thoughts. I too am getting sick of seeing all the bad things on the news and in the papers. American Idol. Yes that is my kind of show. You must have missed the year Clay Aiken was on. He was my favorite and I got to meet him when he came to our county fair. Martha
Winston Scoville

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Re: The two whiners in the room....
2/18/2006 9:45:08 AM
========================================= From what I've seen about human behaviour, the negative infects the positive most frequently, rather than the other way around. ========================================= My personal thought is that because it's so much easier to be negative than to be positive it is the natural route for people to take. Until of course (if ever) they learn that there is more to life. You can almost compare it to why most people fail with their online businesses. They run to the people who claim "it's easy", "there's no work", "we do all the work for you", "great riches" etc. Yet after a great waste of time and money people finally realize (hopefully) that if they want their business to be successful "they" have to do the work, "they" have to seek out the right people to help them, "they" have to take control of themselves. I very seldom watch TV or read the Newspaper unless I know what it is I'm expecting to see or read. Even then I'm picky. LOL
Mark Hodgetts

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Re: The two whiners in the room....
2/18/2006 1:53:42 PM
I think we're all pretty much in agreeance on this another excellent post by Linda, who I have to say possess' a rare quality in Internet Marketing UNCOMMON SENSE. What I'm interested in is how we and I include every participant in this post remain positive in the face of apathy, laziness, and whingeing. Some mornings I look at my computer and think why am I doing this- then I'll have some success and away I'll go again, but sometimes its hard to remain positive in the face of negativity.
Winston Scoville

536 Posts
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Re: The two whiners in the room....
2/18/2006 5:22:15 PM
--------------------------------------- What I'm interested in is how we and I include every participant in this post remain positive in the face of apathy, laziness, and whingeing. ---------------------------------------- I think its because we choose to life our lives that way versus wanting to live like the norm. We know what the norm is and we know it isn't for us, we want more. I don't know if its called being "positive". I like to call it being focused. Knowing where you are going is much better than wondering where! LOL

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