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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
2/26/2006 12:46:48 PM
Waw, it looks I missed this important news around about LOLA and Stephen. Sorry to hear that he's having health problems. Unfortunately I cannot donate, but I can and I will pray for him and for her too. They will be in my prayers for sure. With friendship, Anamaria
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
2/26/2006 12:47:58 PM
Hi Everyone, I would just like to say hi and Welcome to all new WOSAT members. We are happy to have you aboard. If I have not sent you an invitation to be friends then please don't be shy! Send me one. I'm sure that there are some that I missed. Bruce Nelson "Founder Member" W.O.S.A.T. The wings that will fly you to success.
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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
2/26/2006 1:37:54 PM
David, how is Success University producing for you these days. BU has a new program now that is taking the internet by storm, Cash Back for receipts of bills of any thing that is not perishable and it may be a good time to get into it. is the url that will take you there and also, we drive the same type of vehicle and I have increased my gas milage by 4 mpg in just 4 tank full of gas. the url for that is Http:// I have moved to Shallotte, NC from Welcome and bought a place. my new phone 910-754-7392 and I retained my vonage number of 336-499-1857. We are still about the same distance from each other (90 miles) Your friend in networking Ralph Coppley 4319 Mary ST. SW Shallotte, NC 28470
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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
2/26/2006 3:26:54 PM
Hi All Wosat members here is a short update on Stephen Vanslette Hi again, Larry, I just wanted to let you know my son is going to have surgery tomorrow. He will have a breathing tube put in, and a feeding tube straight into his stomach. This will allow him to get the nutrients his body needs to heal, and once the ventilator tube is removed from his lungs, they will be less likely to have infection or pneumonia. His jaw surgery has been moved to Wednesday, God willing, and they will start bringing him out of his sedation. We will then be able to find out how much brain damage their was. Until then, all is the same. His temperature is hanging at 103, and his white blood count is still high, but until the surgery is done, this may not improve. Thanks for being there for me and my family. Your friend, Lola
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Flag of Kay Reeve

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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
2/26/2006 5:29:58 PM
Hi, I just wanted to welcome my "local" friend Stuart Nelson to the forum of Wings of Success Advisory Team. I look forward to working with you. Best wishes Kay Reeve

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