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Cheri Merz

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/28/2006 11:18:19 AM
Linda, ============================================ They talked about a little girl who doctors thought had something wrong with her eyes because she could see 3-dimensionally??? I was thinking, doesn't everyone??? They talked about being able to look at a 2-D figure and see it in 3D, and that people of this 'type' have excellent spatial skills. Interesting. That's definitely me. lol ============================================ That puzzled me, too. Maybe I can offer some perspective on it, though I'm not certain this is what they were talking about. Did you ever take a test where an object was drawn on the page as a flattened representation, and if you were to cut it out and fold on the lines, it would form a 3 dimensional shape? I think the ability to correctly visualize and identify the resulting shape without having to physically manipulate the drawing is what they mean. Even so, I can't imagine what they would mean by having something wrong with her eyes. It's a very different type of vision than that which you use everyday. I have no scientific basis or references to back that up, but I know it because I am functionally blind in my left eye (born that way as far as we know--identified at age 3), have no depth perception as you know it, but I score very well on those tests. Weird, huh? I guess you could say my mind's eye has depth perception, lol. (Now you know why I can't get past 16.6 seconds on your *&@!!@@##**^ game. lol) It would be inaccurate to assume that you are a particular 'type' because that type generally have or don't have a skill or trait that you particularly possess. For example, I'm getting a sense that you are either physical/mental or mental/physical, just from your comments. (Understand that it is not possible for anyone but you, except perhaps the researchers, to accurately identify your group.) Both of those 'types' are typically seen as uncaring and yet you are clearly not so. And remember that there are more- and less-balanced individuals within each group. Probably the more balanced your three aspects are, the more difficult it is to identify your group. The seminar that helped us do that took four days to describe and show videos of each group. Then we did a self-sorting exercise. I got booted out of the emotional/physical group fact they were horrified that I thought I might be one of them. (It really hurt my feelings!) I had correctly identified my physical aspect, but had the core switched and the secondary aspect completely wrong. So you see it isn't easy or superficial. I think you and I have a mutual interest in psychology, but maybe we'd better take any further discussion elsewhere, as no one else seems to be commenting on this subject. Maybe they aren't interested. Or maybe they just can't get a word in edgewise, lol. :-) Cheri
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
3/1/2006 2:03:01 PM
Hi Cheri and Linda, Carl Jung first developed the theory that individuals each had a psychological type. He believed the there were two basic kinds of "functions" which humans used in their lives: how we take in information(how we percieve things), and how we make decisions. We percieve information via 1. our senses, or 2. our intuition. We make decisions based on 1. objective logic, 2.subjective feelings. Jung believed that we all use these four functions in our lives, but that each individual uses the the different functions with a varying amount of success and frequency. The function that someone uses most frequently is their "dominant" function. He felt that the dominant function was so important, that it overshadowed all of the other functions in terms of defining personality. Now along came Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabell and they expounded on Jung's work. Isabel using her mothers work and Jung's, asserted the importance of the auxiliary function working with the dominant function in defining Personality Type. There was another distinct preference that Jung had not defined: Judging and Percieving. The theory of Personality Types, as it stands today, contends that: An individual is either primarily Extroverted or Introverted Sensing or Intuitive Thinking or Feeling Judging or Perceiving These form 16 different Personality Types. We all function in all of these realms on a daily basis. With this in mind, it becomes clear that we cannot box individuals into prescribed formulas for behavior.(As you said they tried to do to you,Cheri) If you want to have a little fun(now remember this doesn't mean anything), you can take a version of the Jung Typology Test at It is just for fun but thought you might like to try it. Well, I for one am going back to my lesson and hopefully finish it. Bye Bye. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Winston Scoville

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
3/1/2006 4:57:43 PM
That was fun Deborah. I love doing these little questionaires. I think my results pretty much hit the nail on the head (ISTJ)
Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
3/1/2006 6:02:42 PM
Hi Deb; Winston was right. That WAS fun. Here's a snippet of my results. lol Counselor Idealists focus on human potentials, think in terms of ethical values, and come easily to decisions. The small number of this type (little more than 2%) is regrettable, since Counselors have an unusually strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others and genuinely enjoy helping their companions. Friends who have known a Counselor for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. Not that they are inconsistent; Counselors value their integrity a great deal, but they have intricately woven, mysterious personalities which sometimes puzzle even them. Counselors have strong empathic abilities and can become aware of another's emotions or intentions -- good or evil -- even before that person is conscious of them. These are the people that you can rarely fool any of the time. Famous counselor idealists: Chaucer Goethe Mother Teresa Martin Luther King, Jr Nelson Mandela Mohandas Gandhi Eleanor Roosevelt Mel Gibson That was totally awesome. I read both reports and very much enjoyed it. : ) Linda
Winston Scoville

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
3/1/2006 9:00:54 PM
Did I miss something in the first part of the Search Engine module? If I recall right everyone said they were doing the exercises. I don't see any.....HELP!

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