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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
3/1/2006 9:20:20 PM
Hi Winston On page 3 and page 36. : ) But, both of them apply to checking data on an existing site. Since you're building a new site, you can just asterisk them to use later when your site is up. : ) Linda
Winston Scoville

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
3/1/2006 10:02:45 PM
Awsome! Thanks Linda. So I get to play hookey from school for an evening! :-) Actually, now its off to do some reading at Google to see if I can get a foot up here! LOL
Winston Scoville

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Suggestions Please
3/13/2006 4:33:30 PM
Suggestions Please! I'm looking at developing a newsletter for my new web business. What has got me stuck is the fact that it will contain a lot of graphics. Do you think the newsletter should be mainly html based or should I go PDF? Is one better than the other? I know a lot of searches bring up links to PDF files. Are they searched the same as an html by the search engines?
Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
4/3/2006 1:37:27 PM
OK So now what did I do that has Google hating me so much. Can't even find my site with the search terms that had me so high before. I seem to get pushed and shoved all the time but see other gourd sites sitting where they always seem to be. Martha
Winston Scoville

536 Posts
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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
4/3/2006 4:40:25 PM
Martha, I have a feeling you might find out what's happening after we are done this SEO section. :-)

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