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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 11:45:20 PM
Wow, Felicia. Thanks for this heads up. I went into my StormPay account and, sure enough, they had issued chargebacks--one for a payout that was received several days before all this started. I, for one, feel violated. I do not understand how they feel they have the right to do this. If they go into my checking account, I will definitely have to seek legal action. If StormPay stoops that low and there's a class action suit going on, I'll certainly become part of it. rose
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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/8/2006 12:08:03 AM
Hi Ellyn. Yes you're right about you have to eitherr laugh about it or cry about it. I haven't cried about it, at least not on the outside. But yes I have laughed some. Thanks for the post.

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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/8/2006 12:09:06 AM
Hi Rose, you're welcome and I'm so sorry this has affected you.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

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This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/8/2006 2:06:45 AM
I know I am just one of thousands stormpay has ripped off. I am as most people would say one drop of rain in a very large ocean. Here is what I know a small drop of water when dropped in to a large body of water from a short distance still makes a small ripple. With that being said, here is what I have done to help us all, you can help us all as well. I submitted a story to CNN News. These reporters as I am told are thirsty for a scandal in the business world. These guys get paid massive amounts of money to invesitgate, and report their findings. Here is what I need you to do to help us all. Email CNN a news tip in the contact us page. After you have told CNN what StormPay has done to you, email me. I need just your first name, and what sp did to you. I mail you the same information. No I DO NOT want your private information. Just your ALP name will be fine. If enough people start yelling at the press, smoke rises, when smoke rises there has to be a fire. Is this legal? Yes we can tell our story to the press, as a matter of fact, I think we become more respected business people when we alert the public of impending robbery. It is a civic duty of respectable business women, and men to let people know they are going to get robbed. Now from a business stand point. We have all lost money at SP some, more than others, think of all the publicity you can get world wide for your business if you choose to give the name of your business in your article to CNN. Viewers will know you are honest, and trust worthy because you caught a thief, and exposed them for the criminals they reallt are. We are all pebbles of different sizes, when dropped into the ocean of lies and robbery that is now know as Storm Pay, we can make a very large splash. Thank you for your time, and I hope you are writing your email to CNN very soon. Cecil Pearson
Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/8/2006 3:56:56 AM
I've kept asking myself what happened to their comment that they were going to try to refund as much as possible to members out of the funds the admins had in there - essentially if we "behaved" ourselves and didn't do chargebacks, etc. Then I asked myself, "Hey, now it's all going back to the program admins?". Then I realized that the admins have lawyers. They (SP) never were members of the local BBB, so who would you pay first? Now, according to Charis, they have been assured by SP that SP has all the funds to cover everything? Let the feds figure it out. They're paid to get the headaches.